Harvard Says Procrastination Is A GOOD Thing?
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Harvard Says Procrastination Is A GOOD Thing?

A couple days ago I spoke at the Let’s Grow Summit in Phoenix, AZ. It’s a HUGE entrepreneur meetup with hundreds of business owners.

Huge privilege.

But now I’m exhausted.

(I even spent the entire next day in bed)

Because the truth is… I’m kind of an introvert. Even though I enjoy talking with people, I get run down easily.

And maybe you’re the same way.

It’s completely normal.

But if you don’t know how to manage it well…

This “social exhaustion” can spiral. Eventually it can become bad enough that it’s almost impossible to bounce back from.

Energy levels plummet.

Work gets more difficult.

And all you want to do is watch Netflix.

Luckily there’s a solution.

If you’re an introverted entrepreneur…

>>> Here are a few strategies I use to combat social fatigue

The first one may surprise you.

Hope this helps.

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Are You An Introverted Entrepreneur?
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Are You An Introverted Entrepreneur?

A couple days ago I spoke at the Let’s Grow Summit in Phoenix, AZ. It’s a HUGE entrepreneur meetup with hundreds of business owners.

Huge privilege.

But now I’m exhausted.

(I even spent the entire next day in bed)

Because the truth is… I’m kind of an introvert. Even though I enjoy talking with people, I get run down easily.

And maybe you’re the same way.

It’s completely normal.

But if you don’t know how to manage it well…

This “social exhaustion” can spiral. Eventually it can become bad enough that it’s almost impossible to bounce back from.

Energy levels plummet.

Work gets more difficult.

And all you want to do is watch Netflix.

Luckily there’s a solution.

If you’re an introverted entrepreneur…

>>> Here are a few strategies I use to combat social fatigue

The first one may surprise you.

Hope this helps.

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The Surprising Benefits Of “Voluntarily Discomfort”
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

The Surprising Benefits Of “Voluntarily Discomfort”

Ever have those days when tiny inconveniences feel like burdens? And then it seems like your entire day is ruined?

I sometimes feel like that too.

You get stuck in a traffic jam

Someone says something rude

You spill coffee on your shirt

Even though these things aren’t a big deal… they FEEL like a big deal. But here’s the good news. There’s a way out of this.

Voluntary discomfort.

For me, seeking the “hard things” really puts life in perspective. It makes the little things start to seem less significant.

For example… I do jiu jitsu.

And as it turns out:

Getting beat up by a bunch of young kids really helps a lot with my perspective (you can watch the full gym video here). Sometimes I struggle to breathe. Sometimes I’m forced to solve problems quickly. And honestly… it takes a lot out of me.

But then all of a sudden?

The “hard” things in life don’t seem as hard.

Now, you don’t necessarily HAVE to do jiu jitsu to get the same benefits. You might choose to work out. Or write every single day.

As long as you do something challenging…

You’ll start realizing how few problems you actually have.

So let me ask you:

What hard thing will you do?

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You’re Not A Caveperson Anymore
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

You’re Not A Caveperson Anymore

I’ve always felt like I don’t have enough.

Like I’m somehow “behind.”

And if you feel like this too… it’s not entirely your fault. People are hardwired to keep pursuing more (even if we don’t actually need it).

And it especially affects digital entrepreneurs.

People like us.

We’re constantly trying to get:

more views

more followers

more customers/clients

But for what?

Let’s go back to the cave men and women.

2 million years ago, this feeling of “always needing more” was necessary. If we simply accepted we only had a few berries or deer to eat… we would’ve starved and died.

There wouldn’t be enough to go around.

But the difference between 2 million years ago and now?

There’s abundance everywhere.

> Food

> Social media

> Entertainment

In fact…

It’s more than we even know what to do with.

The only problem is our brains are STILL hardwired to look for more (which is what Michael Easter talks about in the book Scarcity Brain).

So how do we escape?

How do we stop feeling “behind”?

Here’s what I’ve realized:

Stop looking at success as a matter of where you COULD be. Look at success as the difference between where you’ve been and where you are now.

As long as you’re better than you were yesterday…

You’ve hit your goal.

P.S. Want more cool insights like this?

>>> Go subscribe to my YouTube channel and get ready to elevate your life.

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It’s Not Your Fault
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

It’s Not Your Fault

50 hours.

That’s how long my team and I spent creating a YouTube video. Between the cuts, b-roll, and crazy editing it was a LOT of work.

So when you say “YouTube is too much work!”...

I don’t blame you.

We spend a lot of time creating videos.

But it doesn’t HAVE to be that way. Your videos don’t need to be highly-edited to get views, subscribers, or even leads.

Just look at Alex Hormozi.

Or Casey Neistat.

The content is what matters.

And so that’s why I decided to set a challenge. Instead of spending 50+ hours editing a monthly video… what if I do a lightly-edited video every week?

Just like the video I put out yesterday.

I’ll be releasing videos like this every week. So if you want to see just how EASY creating content on YouTube can be…

Make sure to go subscribe to my channel.


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