You’re Not A Caveperson Anymore

I’ve always felt like I don’t have enough.

Like I’m somehow “behind.”

And if you feel like this too… it’s not entirely your fault. People are hardwired to keep pursuing more (even if we don’t actually need it).

And it especially affects digital entrepreneurs.

People like us.

We’re constantly trying to get:

  • more views

  • more followers

  • more customers/clients

But for what?

Let’s go back to the cave men and women.

2 million years ago, this feeling of “always needing more” was necessary. If we simply accepted we only had a few berries or deer to eat… we would’ve starved and died.

There wouldn’t be enough to go around.

But the difference between 2 million years ago and now?

There’s abundance everywhere.

> Food

> Social media

> Entertainment

In fact…

It’s more than we even know what to do with.

The only problem is our brains are STILL hardwired to look for more (which is what Michael Easter talks about in the book Scarcity Brain).

So how do we escape?

How do we stop feeling “behind”?

Here’s what I’ve realized:

Stop looking at success as a matter of where you COULD be. Look at success as the difference between where you’ve been and where you are now.

As long as you’re better than you were yesterday… 

You’ve hit your goal.

P.S. Want more cool insights like this? 

>>> Go subscribe to my YouTube channel and get ready to elevate your life.


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