Harvard Says Procrastination Is A GOOD Thing?

Everyone talks about why you shouldn’t procrastinate. But did you know procrastination can actually be a good thing?

Let me tell you a quick story.

Last week I presented at the Let’s Grow Summit in Phoenix (Donald Miller, John Lee, and even James Clear were there).

But the day before the event…

I hadn’t even STARTED preparing my presentation. Instead I did everything except what I was supposed to be doing.

Sound familiar?

Well as it turns out…

Procrastination can be a pretty big advantage (especially for creative entrepreneurs like us). Here’s what Harvard has to say about it:

“Procrastination gives you time to consider divergent ideas, to think in nonlinear ways, and to make unexpected leaps.”  ̴Harvard University

Pretty crazy, right?

But it kind of makes sense.

When you have more time to think, you naturally have more input. Which means you have more ideas to connect the dots.

Even though I hadn’t started my speech…

The ideas were there.

I’d been thinking about it for MONTHS.

And in the end, the speech was a whole lot better. I had more insights, more ideas, and overall more material to work with.

So if you ever find yourself procrastinating…

It’s not necessarily wasted time.

Of course, it’s still important to make sure you hit your deadlines. Click here if you want some quick tips to get stuff done regardless of your procrastination.

Hope this helps.


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