Are You An Introverted Entrepreneur?

A couple days ago I spoke at the Let’s Grow Summit in Phoenix, AZ. It’s a HUGE entrepreneur meetup with hundreds of business owners. 

Huge privilege.

But now I’m exhausted.

(I even spent the entire next day in bed)

Because the truth is… I’m kind of an introvert. Even though I enjoy talking with people, I get run down easily.

And maybe you’re the same way.

It’s completely normal.

But if you don’t know how to manage it well…

This “social exhaustion” can spiral. Eventually it can become bad enough that it’s almost impossible to bounce back from.

Energy levels plummet.

Work gets more difficult.

And all you want to do is watch Netflix.

Luckily there’s a solution. 

If you’re an introverted entrepreneur…

>>> Here are a few strategies I use to combat social fatigue

The first one may surprise you.

Hope this helps.


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