How This 9.5 BILLION-Dollar Industry Takes Your Money
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

How This 9.5 BILLION-Dollar Industry Takes Your Money

According to Exposed Magazine, the average slot machine earns $219 every day (or $79,935 per year). And that’s just ONE machine.

But believe it or not…

Slot machines didn’t always make billions.

Let’s say you bring $10 to a slot machine. You play for a few minutes… only to find yourself losing again and again.

Are you going to keep playing?

Probably not.

But then in the 1980s something changed. Instead of losing again and again, people started winning a little bit. 20 cents. 30 cents.

And so even though you never ACTUALLY make your money back… you want to keep playing.

“What if I hit the jackpot?”

If you’re anything like me, you experience the same thing in your everyday life. You see an opportunity to get more, and so you pursue it.

Maybe it’s food.

Or social media.

Or even money.

But here’s the thing. The longer you fall for this “scarcity loop” mentality (constantly wanting more), the longer you’re going to be unhappy.

Especially as an entrepreneur.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to want more. But the more you obsess about what you don’t have, the more miserable you’re going to be.

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How I Fixed my Unhappiness
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

How I Fixed my Unhappiness

Your brain quietly whispers:

“You need more.”

So you keep eating. You keep scrolling Instagram. You keep trying to make more money.

But it’s not your fault.

Our brains are hard-wired to want more.

Which means when we inevitably fail to reach the goalpost… we feel like a loser. We don’t feel good enough. Constantly upset about what we don’t have.

So the question is…

How can we continue to push forward without losing that present sense of gratefulness and happiness?

One thing that helps me is gratitude journaling.

The idea is simple:

Every day you write down 3 things you’re grateful for.

Now I’ll be honest… I was a bit skeptical. Could writing down what I’m grateful for really work? Could it actually help me to realign with what’s important?

At first I kept repeating the same things over and over.

But eventually I got better.

It became EASIER to find reasons to be grateful.



Even the little conversations I have with my wife.

And by writing these things down each day… I slowly pulled myself out of the scarcity loop and into a state of abundance.

So if you ever feel like you don’t have enough....

Try gratitude journaling.

Find those little things you’re grateful for. Just 3 things each day. I guarantee you have a LOT more than you think.

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Get Leads on YouTube?
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Get Leads on YouTube?

I hear this concern all the time:

“Creating content on Instagram and TikTok is far easier than YouTube… so why should I be on YouTube?”

Here’s the thing.

Creating 5-10 minute long videos might seem daunting. You might mess up more often. But it also stays around much longer than short-form (which means 10x more leads)

So even though it’s a bit more difficult…

It’s worth it.

One thing that’s really helped me is using voice notes to record ideas. As soon as I have an idea for a video… I pull out my phone and record it.


Now to record.

A lot of people don’t like this part. Sometimes it feels like you’re not looking at the camera. Or you’re stumbling over words.

I used to feel the same way.

So here’s a better way to do it:

First of all you could look away from the camera (and just use B-roll over it). Or you could memorize 2 lines at a time. Both ways work for me.

Now do some editing and you’ve got yourself a video.

The important thing to remember is YouTube isn’t about quantity. You don’t need to create a new video every day.

Aim for 1x per month.

The truth is… that’s MORE than enough (especially if you're a CEO or midsize company). You don’t need a whole lot of content.

You just need good content.

P.S. Are you a CEO or midsize company looking to elevate your YouTube presence? Let our team of YouTube experts help you create videos that convert views to leads. Click here to visit our website and request a free quote.

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Thinking About Writing A Book?
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Thinking About Writing A Book?

According to the New York Times, you must sell at least 5,000 copies in a single week (across many geographic locations) to become a bestseller.

Now you’re probably wondering…

“How can authors possibly sell 5,000 copies so fast?”

It’s because they already have an audience.

I’ve seen relatively-unknown people make the same mistake countless times. They spend years creating the information, writing their book, finding a publisher… only to make less than 200 sales when it launches.

So what’s the secret to building an audience as an author?

Many bestsellers create a YouTube mini-series. And this does a couple things:

Showcases what the book will be about

Gets people to pre-register

Not only does a mini-series get people excited about the book… but by putting a pre-registration link in the description, you’ll get immediate buyers once it launches.

Plus these videos are evergreen.

They’ll attract people even AFTER the book launches.

So if you’re thinking of writing a book (but don’t want to go through the pain of launching to a tiny audience)...

Create a YouTube mini-series.

And if you want to work with a team of YouTube experts to create and implement the strategy for you… visit our website to get a free quote today.

We’ll help make your book launch a success.

P.S. Already published your book? This strategy also works if you want to get people re-interested. Click here to request a free quote to work with our team of YouTube experts

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How To 10x Your Leads With The “Watering Hole” Strategy
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

How To 10x Your Leads With The “Watering Hole” Strategy

I don’t know about you but…

People love to tell me I’m doing things wrong (even though they’ve NEVER done it themselves before).

They argue for the sake of arguing.

But according to Law #9 of Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power… spending hours arguing with people doesn’t EVER change anyone’s mind.

In fact it’ll only create a stronger resentment.

But if you’re able to SHOW people what you mean (and that it actually works)… that’s how you win arguments.

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