How This 9.5 BILLION-Dollar Industry Takes Your Money

According to Exposed Magazine, the average slot machine earns $219 every day (or $79,935 per year). And that’s just ONE machine.

But believe it or not…

Slot machines didn’t always make billions.

Let’s say you bring $10 to a slot machine. You play for a few minutes… only to find yourself losing again and again.

Are you going to keep playing?

Probably not.

But then in the 1980s something changed. Instead of losing again and again, people started winning a little bit. 20 cents. 30 cents.

And so even though you never ACTUALLY make your money back… you want to keep playing.

“What if I hit the jackpot?”

If you’re anything like me, you experience the same thing in your everyday life. You see an opportunity to get more, and so you pursue it.

Maybe it’s food.

Or social media.

Or even money.

But here’s the thing. The longer you fall for this “scarcity loop” mentality (constantly wanting more), the longer you’re going to be unhappy. 

Especially as an entrepreneur.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to want more. But the more you obsess about what you don’t have, the more miserable you’re going to be.

P.S. Want more insights like this?Go subscribe to my YouTube channel where I put out cool videos to help you elevate your life.


It’s Not Your Fault


How I Fixed my Unhappiness