How I Fixed my Unhappiness

Your brain quietly whispers:

“You need more.”

So you keep eating. You keep scrolling Instagram. You keep trying to make more money.

But it’s not your fault.

Our brains are hard-wired to want more.

Which means when we inevitably fail to reach the goalpost… we feel like a loser. We don’t feel good enough. Constantly upset about what we don’t have.

So the question is… 

How can we continue to push forward without losing that present sense of gratefulness and happiness?

One thing that helps me is gratitude journaling.

The idea is simple:

Every day you write down 3 things you’re grateful for. 

Now I’ll be honest… I was a bit skeptical. Could writing down what I’m grateful for really work? Could it actually help me to realign with what’s important?

At first I kept repeating the same things over and over.

But eventually I got better.

It became EASIER to find reasons to be grateful.



Even the little conversations I have with my wife.

And by writing these things down each day… I slowly pulled myself out of the scarcity loop and into a state of abundance.

So if you ever feel like you don’t have enough....

Try gratitude journaling.

Find those little things you’re grateful for. Just 3 things each day. I guarantee you have a LOT more than you think.

P.S. Want more cool insights like this? Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel.


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