How To 10x Your Leads With The “Watering Hole” Strategy

Imagine this:

You’re on a safari in the African desert.

You look to your left without a single animal in sight. But when you look to your right you notice a huge pack of wild animals. 




Every one of them is crowded around a watering hole. They’re hot. Desperate for water in the blazing heat of the desert. 

Now say those animals were your ideal customers.

You see…

If you want to attract more “animals” (leads) YOU need to become a watering hole. You need to figure out what they’re looking for and give it to them.

For example:

Recently we’ve been talking with a $500M+ company about taking over their YouTube channel. They haven’t posted anything in 6+ years. And when they did… all they ever created was product-focused webinars. 

But the thing is:

Nobody really cares about what you’re selling. Not even your target audience. 

What they REALLY want is to be educated, entertained, and inspired.

So here’s what we’re doing instead:

  1. Turn the CEO into a personal brand.

People buy from people.

(You hear this a lot but it’s true)

So by sharing more personal stories and advice, the CEO will be able to connect on a deeper level with his potential customers. 

You can do this too.

2. Create a YouTube show

The second thing we’re going to do is create a YouTube show.

But the cool part?

Every guest that comes on the show will be a potential referral partner. So instead of posting countless webinars about their products… 

They’ll be providing value for their audience.

More business. Less work.

You can do this too.

.   .   .


Nobody cares about your product.

By educating, entertaining, and inspiring your audience (aka giving your audience what they want) you’ll be able to 10x your lead generation and profit.

That’s how great companies are built.

- Raylen

P.S. Want to create a targeted YouTube strategy that consistently gets you qualified leads?Click here to book a free 30-minute strategy call and we’ll work together to level-up your YouTube content fast.


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