Your logo isn’t the problem (answer these THREE essential questions instead)
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Your logo isn’t the problem (answer these THREE essential questions instead)

Read this entire email if you want to get more clients (or your FIRST client) for your coaching or consulting business.

5 years ago I thought “branding” was about:

> creating a logo

> picking out colors

> designing templates

But I was wrong.

While these things are important…

The key to generating leads, selling your offers, getting clients (and pretty much everything else) goes even deeper – your BRAND STRATEGY. I learned this from one of our coaches inside the Elevated Coaches Academy (yup, we’re coming back!)

“But Raylen, what’s a brand strategy?”

I’m glad you asked.

Your brand strategy involves several key elements – your mission, values, story, etc.

But the most important part?


Defining your purpose makes everything easier:

> creating content

> building offers

> pitching potential clients

And the opposite is true too:

Ignoring your purpose makes everything harder.

So the question is…

How do you FIND your purpose?

I always start by asking these 3 questions:

“What do I stand for?”

“What do I stand against?”

“What would I do for the rest of my life and NEVER get bored of it?”

Once you’ve answered these questions… the next step is to summarize everything into a PURPOSE STATEMENT.

Here’s mine:

“Helping coaches and consultants remove obstacles and excuses as to why they can’t achieve personal freedom.”

Now here’s the deal:

This is just ONE of the FIVE KEYS to build a successful coaching business.

If you want to learn more about how to create your purpose statement (and how to implement the remaining four keys)…

Sign up for my live webinar on April 24th.

During this free training I’ll teach you everything you need to add $30,000+ to your coaching business (even if you’ve never built a business before).

Here are just a few things we’ll cover:

> YouTube Client Attraction Mastery

> The Customer Journey Cash Machine

> Automation Liberation


Click here to save your spot on April 24th (spots are limited):


Hope to see you there!

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Why simply “trying harder” doesn’t work (and what to do instead)
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Why simply “trying harder” doesn’t work (and what to do instead)

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

> You constantly try to be happier (but you only feel more miserable)

> You constantly try to be liked (but you only seem like a try-hard)

> you constantly try to get new clients (but you only get rejected)

And you constantly ask yourself…

What am I doing wrong?

Well it turns out you’re not alone. And there’s actually a name for this “harder I push, harder it gets” phenomenon:

The Backwards Law.

Want to escape it forever (so you can live a happier and more fulfilling life)?

Check out this video:

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5 things I WISH I knew in my 20’s
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

5 things I WISH I knew in my 20’s

Let me ask you a question:

Do you feel like you’re the ONLY one who’s lost? Like everybody else has their ENTIRE life figured out… except you?

Everybody on social media is:

> going on perfect vacations

> landing their dream job

> getting engaged

It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

Well here’s the good news:

It’s not just you.

NOBODY has it all figured out.

When I was in my 20s I had no idea what I wanted to do. So I decided to go to college and get a PE degree. But it turns out:

I didn’t WANT to be a PE teacher.

So I dropped out.

And then I was even MORE lost.

Now looking back on my 20s (having a little more life experience)... there are 5 important truths I wish someone told me earlier.

I hope they’ll make your post-20’s life easier:

Comment below what YOU wish you would’ve known in your 20’s.

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[Special Announcement] We’re bringing back the Elevated Coaches Academ
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

[Special Announcement] We’re bringing back the Elevated Coaches Academ

Do you want to scale to your first $5k+ online WITHOUT having to drop thousands of dollars on courses/coaching programs?

Here’s what I’ve realized:

Coaching programs today have gotten pretty crazy. Many of them share outdated information and still charge $20k+ per year for access.

(Maybe you’ve noticed this too)

And while there’s a place for these programs…

What about the entrepreneurs JUST starting out? What about the entrepreneurs who want a community but can’t pay THOUSANDS of dollars?

If that sounds like you, I have good news.

You see…

Over a year ago I had this thing called the Elevated Coches Academy.

A place that brought dozens of coaches/consultants together who wanted to (1) grow their business and (2) grow themselves personally and professionally (which I eventually shut down to focus on my agency).

But after shutting it down last year… I’ve started to miss the community we built. Especially because we were ACTUALLY making a difference.

That’s why I’m bringing BACK the Elevated Coaches Academy.

The idea is simple:

We’ll help new entrepreneurs create content that converts so they can build a profitable (and sustainable) coaching business. And THIS time around… we’re helping members AUTOMATE their sales/marketing using the most recent technology.

Here’s how it’ll work:

1. Every month we’ll have a 3-hour workshop:

> I’ll be sharing concepts that helped me scale my agency to $10k+ per month

> you’ll have an opportunity to teach the group (and learn from others)

> we’ll mastermind together to identify problems and create solutions

2. We’ll also have bi-weekly accountability calls. That way you can stay on top of your goals with the help of entrepreneurs who have already been in your shoes.

3. Finally you’ll get access to all my templates and swipe files. Not only ones I’ve created for my business but for other people too (which you’ll have as long as you’re in the program).

Interested in joining the NEW Elevated Coaches Academy?

Click below to get on the waitlist:


We’ll be launching sometime in May.

Hope to see you inside.

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I spoke in a room of multi-million-dollar entrepreneurs
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

I spoke in a room of multi-million-dollar entrepreneurs

This is one of those “pinch me” moments I’ll never forget…

A few weeks ago, I was asked by Evan Carmichael (a YouTube creator with almost 4 million subscribers) to speak at a mastermind. I’d been watching his content for YEARS.

But not only that.

It was being hosted at Genius Network by my good friend, Joe Polish.

The SAME stage where people like Tony Robbins, Daymond John, and Tim Feriss have all spoken.

I’ll never forget this experience.

Let me share some of my biggest takeaways:

Takeaway #1: Thumbnails & titles can make (or break) your video

The truth is…

It doesn’t matter how good your content is if nobody clicks.

But the good news?

Simple changes can make a world of difference.

Here’s a 2-PART framework I learned that I’ll be using for my YouTube thumbnails:

Have a big face (with emotion)

A short title in the thumbnail

This will make the video pop more.

And then the title is simple:

Just start typing into YouTube what you THINK the title should be… then see what pops up.

Takeaway #2: You’re leaving MORE money on the table than you think

One of the points I made during my presentation at Genius Network is that ONLY 2% of your sales come after the first contact.

81% will come after the 5th contact.

And that’s why its important to have a solid follow-up process. But unfortunately most businesses don’t have this.

Make sure YOU do.

Because the more you follow up…

The more money you’ll make.

Takeaway #3: Hire the right salespeople

As an entreprneur, sales probably isn’t your favorite thing in the world. But it’s incredibly important.

(Most people don’t realize until it’s too late)

Which is why I say…

Hire a great salesperson early.

And if you can’t yet?

Start recording your sales calls. Go through them and pick out the best ones (and figure out why they worked so well).

Now when you’re ready to hire…

You have a great starting point.


I hope these takeaways are valuable to you.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply directly to this email.

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