Not getting the revenue you DESERVE?
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Not getting the revenue you DESERVE?

Get this:

According to Grant Cardone, only two percent of sales are made on the first contact (meaning the first time you reach out).

Not a whole lot.

Which is why following up with your potential customers is so important. After the fifth contact that number goes up to OVER 80%.

But the problem?

Follow-ups take forever (especially if you’re doing it 5+ times). And let’s face it… as a busy entrepreneur you probably don’t have the time.

(I know I didn’t).

So how can we get around it? How can we capture the MOST amount of money possible while not having to spend HOURS following up with potential clients?

An automated email nurture sequence.

Here’s how it works:

someone downloads your lead magnet

they see a landing page with the CTA being a one-on-one call

if they DON’T buy the one-on-one call… they’re placed in a long-term email sequence (that constantly reminds them [1] how you can help solve their challenges AND [2] how you’re qualified to help them) → I use for this.

Now your follow ups are automated (which means you can focus on lead generation, service fulfillment, client retention, etc).


Low revenue isn’t necessarily because of a bad offer. It could simply be because you’re not following up enough.

By implementing a nurture sequence, you’ll spend less time AND make more money at the same time.

Hope this helps!

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[NEW VIDEO] How To Drive Leads Through Email Marketing
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

[NEW VIDEO] How To Drive Leads Through Email Marketing

Here’s the reality:

TikTok might be going away

Instagram’s reach is going down

Only 10-20% of followers see your posts

And that just proves the point…

You don’t actually OWN your social media audience. It can be taken away at any moment… which you might already know by now.

The only logical solution?

Building your email list.

gathering contacts through a lead magnet

providing them with consistent value

and then converting them into paying customers

And it’s not NEARLY as complicated as you think.

So if you’re ready…

Here’s how I approach email marketing to consistently create fans and attract leads for my online business:

Stop relying on social media.

Build your email list.

You won’t regret it.

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Tik. Tok. BOOM.
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Tik. Tok. BOOM.

Have you heard the news?

TikTok might ACTUALLY get banned in the coming months. And if you’ve been depending on it to keep your business afloat… you might be freaking out a little.

But I don’t blame you.

Some of my entrepreneur friends are freaking out too.

If TikTok gets shut down… where will the new leads come from? Where will the new clients come from? Where will the new revenue come from?

But it’s not JUST TikTok.

What happens when Instagram decides it wants creators to spend more money on ads (forcing your organic reach to drop)? Or the same happens with Facebook?

It’s a problem waiting to happen.

Now on the other hand…

Some entrepreneurs can’t care less.

And here’s why:

They own an email list.

They know that even if EVERY social media platform decided to limit their reach… their list will never go away.

So if you haven’t done so already (or aren’t putting much effort into it)…

Grow your damn email list.

(Need some help? Click here for some free email list tips)

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The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship?
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship?

You’ve been lied to:

Entrepreneurship won’t give you “freedom.”

I used to think starting a business would solve all my problems.

I thought:

money would come easy

time would be abundant

my happiness would skyrocket

But then I discovered something shocking:

None of this is true.

(Have you noticed?)

clients need tons of attention

offers need to re-iterated

you need to market every day

If anything… starting a business is even MORE taxing than a regular 9-5. And if you’re not careful?

Things can go to shit real quick.

So how do you “conquer the chaos” once and for all? Or at least approach entrepreneurship in a way that doesn’t destroy you?

Here’s what helped me:


Hope this helps.

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I will die on a hill saying this…
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

I will die on a hill saying this…

Every business owner should be on YouTube. No matter what you’re selling… it should be the FIRST platform on your list.

And here’s why:

YouTube content lasts forever

You can put a piece of content out today and then YEARS later it’ll still be getting views.

Not only that…

YouTube has over 2.5 BILLION monthly users. That’s over a third of the entire human population.

There’s just one thing:

(And it’s one of the biggest reasons YouTube creators to give up too quick)

You’re probably NOT going to go viral.

But that’s okay.

The whole point of YouTube as business owners isn’t to get millions of views. Or at least… that’s not how I like to approach it.

My focus is more intentional.

Instead of constantly trying to go viral… I help my clients create valuable content that connects directly with the audience they’re trying to do business with. People who are ALREADY searching for their specific solution.

And by doing that?

We get leads every single day (plus rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars).

The point is:

YouTube is a powerful place.

So if you’re not already consistently creating video content… I highly recommend you get started today.

You won’t regret it.

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