Not getting the revenue you DESERVE?

Get this:

According to Grant Cardone, only two percent of sales are made on the first contact (meaning the first time you reach out).

Not a whole lot.

Which is why following up with your potential customers is so important. After the fifth contact that number goes up to OVER 80%.

But the problem?

Follow-ups take forever (especially if you’re doing it 5+ times). And let’s face it… as a busy entrepreneur you probably don’t have the time.

(I know I didn’t).

So how can we get around it? How can we capture the MOST amount of money possible while not having to spend HOURS following up with potential clients?

An automated email nurture sequence.

Here’s how it works:

  1. someone downloads your lead magnet

  2. they see a landing page with the CTA being a one-on-one call

  3. if they DON’T buy the one-on-one call… they’re placed in a long-term email sequence (that constantly reminds them [1] how you can help solve their challenges AND [2] how you’re qualified to help them) → I use for this.

Now your follow ups are automated (which means you can focus on lead generation, service fulfillment, client retention, etc).


Low revenue isn’t necessarily because of a bad offer. It could simply be because you’re not following up enough.

By implementing a nurture sequence, you’ll spend less time AND make more money at the same time.

Hope this helps!


I spoke in a room of multi-million-dollar entrepreneurs


[NEW VIDEO] How To Drive Leads Through Email Marketing