How to “actually” make good decisions
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

How to “actually” make good decisions

One of the MOST important traits of successful entrepreneurs (think Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, etc) is being a great decision-maker.

I don’t know about you but…

I’ve always thought decision-making was easy. After all… I’m a pretty logical guy. But if I’m really being honest?

I’m not as GOOD as I thought.

And most people aren’t.

Some days I find myself giving up future gain (money, time, peace of mind, etc) for what I want today. But after reading Clear Thinking by Shane Parrish here’s what I realized:

Good decisions aren’t about being “rational”.

It’s so much more.

So if you’re ready to become a more successful (and happier) entrepreneur… here’s what I’ve learned about good decision-making:

The crazy part?

Stoics have known about this for THOUSANDS of years… yet almost nobody talks about it.

Hope this helps.

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How a half-decent high school rock band became the world’s #1 top-selling artist
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

How a half-decent high school rock band became the world’s #1 top-selling artist

Think your content will never be “good enough" no matter how much effort you put in?

I used to feel the same way.

As I was listening to Dan Mace’s story (the guy behind Mr. Beast’s philanthropy channel) it felt like I was way behind. All my favorite creators have millions of subscribers… and then there’s me.

Which left me wondering:

“Will I ever make it?”

“Should I just quit?”

Maybe you’ve thought these things too.

But then I picked up a book called Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. And in this book he explains how the world’s #1 band — the Beatles — became successful.

The group may have been talented…

But that’s not WHY they sold 250M+ albums.

Being a great content creator comes down to just ONE thing (and it’s more attainable than you think).

Watch this to learn how:

Hope this helps

P.S. Content creation has become 10x easier since implementing this system. Now I’m giving it away for just $10.

>>> Grab your Notion Content Hub here.

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My “simple trick” to save 50+ hours
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

My “simple trick” to save 50+ hours

I used to think I had to have EVERYTHING figured out before launching a new business or offer:


tech stack

content strategy

Maybe you’re the same way.

And I don’t blame you… it’s easy to want things to be perfect before releasing something to the public. Nobody wants to be criticized.

But here’s what I’ve realized:

You don’t need as much as you think.

Let me show you a BETTER way to approach launches (or at least… what’s worked for me).

First, launch the idea.

Let your network know about the new business idea. Or email your list and tell them about the new offer you’re launching.

And if they want it…

They join a waitlist.

So now you know how many people are interested (without sacrificing much time). Then if there’s ENOUGH interest… you start building.

But the key is to do it incrementally.

If you’re building a course… only build the first week of it. Once you get more sign ups… you build the second week. And then the third week.

In other words:

More attention → Build more

And if you don’t get enough attention…

You move on.

This process has saved me hundreds of hours. And I hope it’ll do the same for you.

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This “simple switch” will make your sales 10x easier
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

This “simple switch” will make your sales 10x easier

The reason you’re stuck in sales ISN’T what you think.

Let me tell you a story.

Once there was an adoption agency trying to find new homes for their dogs. But the problem was… almost nobody was adopting.

And the dogs that were adopted?

Over 30% of them were eventually surrendered.

Finally the agency asked themselves:

“What if instead of trying to get more dogs ADOPTED— we figured out how to deter people from putting their dogs up for surrender?”

So before a dog was surrendered they would ask:

“Do you love this dog?”

And more often than not:

“Of course we do!”

It turns out…

The families just couldn’t afford the dog. Between food, shots, and other medical expenses – it was too much for them to handle.

“What if we bought the food for the next 3 years? Would that help?”

For most people – it would.

The reason I’m telling you this story is this:

The number one reason businesses can’t make sales is because they don’t understand the problem. Most entrepreneurs (unfortunately) jump straight to the pitch without understanding their customer.

And as a result?

They don’t get the sale.

That’s why finding the root problem is important.

If you came to me and said, “Raylen I need help with my content,” I wouldn't start by listing my services or pricing.

I’d simply ask you:

“Why do you feel you need this?”

And if I can’t figure it out…

I won’t offer you my services.


A sale is made when a customer feels understood. Which is why starting by understanding the problem is important.

That’s how I built a multi six-figure content agency in just a couple years. And by following the same “problem-first” approach… you can too.

Hope this helps

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How To Build a Profitable Online Business
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

How To Build a Profitable Online Business

My online business generated over $300,000 in less than 2 years. Which might SOUND nice… but there were three major problems.

I had a huge team

I made (much) less $ than my team

I didn’t enjoy what I was doing

That’s when I realized:

There MUST be a better way.

And there is!

If you want to build a PROFITABLE online business you ENJOY doing (without sacrificing family time or even sleep)...

Let me show you how I’m doing it:

Don’t make the same mistake I did.

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