This “simple switch” will make your sales 10x easier

The reason you’re stuck in sales ISN’T what you think.

Let me tell you a story.

Once there was an adoption agency trying to find new homes for their dogs. But the problem was… almost nobody was adopting.

And the dogs that were adopted?

Over 30% of them were eventually surrendered. 

Finally the agency asked themselves:

“What if instead of trying to get more dogs ADOPTED— we figured out how to deter people from putting their dogs up for surrender?”

So before a dog was surrendered they would ask:

Do you love this dog?

And more often than not:

Of course we do!

It turns out…

The families just couldn’t afford the dog. Between food, shots, and other medical expenses – it was too much for them to handle.

What if we bought the food for the next 3 years? Would that help?

For most people – it would.

The reason I’m telling you this story is this:

The number one reason businesses can’t make sales is because they don’t understand the problem. Most entrepreneurs (unfortunately) jump straight to the pitch without understanding their customer.

And as a result?

They don’t get the sale.

That’s why finding the root problem is important.

If you came to me and said, “Raylen I need help with my content,” I wouldn't start by listing my services or pricing.

I’d simply ask you:

Why do you feel you need this?”

And if I can’t figure it out…

I won’t offer you my services.


A sale is made when a customer feels understood. Which is why starting by understanding the problem is important.

That’s how I built a multi six-figure content agency in just a couple years. And by following the same “problem-first” approach… you can too.

Hope this helps


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