Your logo isn’t the problem (answer these THREE essential questions instead)

Read this entire email if you want to get more clients (or your FIRST client) for your coaching or consulting business.

5 years ago I thought “branding” was about:

> creating a logo

> picking out colors

> designing templates

But I was wrong.

While these things are important…

The key to generating leads, selling your offers, getting clients (and pretty much everything else) goes even deeper – your BRAND STRATEGY. I learned this from one of our coaches inside the Elevated Coaches Academy (yup, we’re coming back!)

“But Raylen, what’s a brand strategy?”

I’m glad you asked.

Your brand strategy involves several key elements – your mission, values, story, etc. 

But the most important part?


Defining your purpose makes everything easier:

> creating content

> building offers

> pitching potential clients

And the opposite is true too:

Ignoring your purpose makes everything harder.

So the question is…

How do you FIND your purpose?

I always start by asking these 3 questions:

What do I stand for?”

What do I stand against?”

What would I do for the rest of my life and NEVER get bored of it?”

Once you’ve answered these questions… the next step is to summarize everything into a PURPOSE STATEMENT.

Here’s mine:

“Helping coaches and consultants remove obstacles and excuses as to why they can’t achieve personal freedom.”

Now here’s the deal:

This is just ONE of the FIVE KEYS to build a successful coaching business.

If you want to learn more about how to create your purpose statement (and how to implement the remaining four keys)

Sign up for my live webinar on April 24th.

During this free training I’ll teach you everything you need to add $30,000+ to your coaching business (even if you’ve never built a business before).

Here are just a few things we’ll cover:

> YouTube Client Attraction Mastery

> The Customer Journey Cash Machine

> Automation Liberation


Click here to save your spot on April 24th (spots are limited):


Hope to see you there!


Want to get (more) clients?


Why simply “trying harder” doesn’t work (and what to do instead)