Want More Clients? You NEED to Start a Podcast

Looking for new ways to get more clients?

You need to start a podcast.

But why is it so effective?

In this post, I’m going to give you 3 reasons why a podcast will help you get more clients (and make you more money).

Let’s get started.

Reason #1: Showcase your in-depth expertise

Before someone buys from you, they’re going to want to make sure you know what you’re talking about.

They won’t give you their hard-earned money if they aren’t CONFIDENT you can provide the knowledge and services you say you can.

And that’s why a podcast is so effective — it’s a great way to showcase your expertise. In each episode, you’ll be able to go in-depth on a specific topic and really show them how much you know about it.

While an Instagram reel or tweet will help you build trust, a podcast will help you become the go-to authority in your industry.

Reason #2: It’s a great way to give value

The more generous you are with the information you give away, the more people will want to buy from you.

I literally tell people:

  • how I enroll clients

  • how I sell

  • how I market

  • how I think

And now, when you’re ready to hire someone, I know you’ll choose me.

Time and time again, a podcast gives you opportunities to help solve your audience’s problems for free.

Reason #3: It helps you build trust

The more you give away for free, the more people will trust you.

If you get someone to subscribe to your podcast, they’re going to consistently see you giving away information for free. They’re going to see you, time and time again, being generous with what you give away.

But here’s the best part:

When they’re ready to take action, they will already know everything about you.

I did a sales call with somebody recently, and he said, “Raylen, I feel like I already know you!”

If you hear that from a prospect, you’re that much closer to getting a new client. The more content you create, the more they’ll feel like they know you, and the easier the sale is going to be.

Starting a podcast is one of the best things you can do to get more clients.

If you’ve been looking to boost your revenue, the benefits of starting one literally makes it a no-brainer:

  • Show your in-depth expertise

  • Give a ton of value

  • Builds trust with your audience

So what’s holding you back from starting a podcast?



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