5 Biggest Mistakes New Coaches and Consultants Make When Starting their Business

Let go from my corporate 6 figure job and was angry at myself for once again allowing someone else to dictate how much money I can make and whether or not I could feed my son or have the life I wanted I decided to become a digital entrepreneur. 

To sit here and say I grow my coaching business with ease would be a flat-out lie. I made some mistakes along the way and I constantly see my clients making the same ones so I thought id lay them out so maybe you can do what took me 3 years to figure out faster. 

Mistake #1: Creating a service without a clear vision of how your clients can grow with you. 

If you are a good coach or service provider your client's competency and motivation should grow over time and that can mean eventually they potentially could outgrow your service. 

The game isn't making the initial sale is to see how long you can keep a client happy and growing with you. So before you make your initial service ask yourself this question once this service works work problems will be removed and what problems will arise that my next service can solve? 

Mistake #2: Going to market without clearly understanding what truly makes you different from the competition. 

Can we be honest here? WHAT you do isn’t special. A simple google search and you will most likely find hundreds if not thousands of people doing the same thing so how in the world will your leads choose you? 

The answer is simple. Branding. Once you understand who you are and how you are going to show up differently that is oftentimes enough to ensure the right people come to you. 

Mistake #3: Creating a service that speaks to everyone and looks like everyone else. 

Okay, so you know who you are and how you will show up differently congratulations. Now it’s time for your service/offer to stand out so well that people would be dumb not to buy.

Offer building is something that was made popular by many but few do it better than Alex Hormzi who broke down the process in his book 100 million dollar offer. 

Don’t have time to read through the book ill break it down really quick here and provide you will a step by step guide on how to do it here: elevatedcoachesacademy.com/offer-builder

As you’re building your offer you want to think about every single excuse as to why your client can’t be successful and one by one remove them with a feature. 

For example, think about what I did above, I knew not everyone wants to pick up a book decode it, and then figure out the process themselves to create an offer that sells itself so I created a guide to walk you through it. The excuse was “I don’t like to read” and the feature was a template that requires very little reading”! Simple right? 

Mistake #4: Relying on inbound marketing on social media. 

Name me one 7 figure company that doesn’t have some form of outbound marketing whether that is through ads or cold outreach? I will wait…

Yes, inbound marketing is outstanding and will great content you can have on-demand lead generation that doesn’t require you to be rejected but what happens when those leads aren’t coming in for whatever reason? 

Developing a solid outbound strategy can and will give you consistent leads. I do most of my outbound lead generation through cold linked in and email and in 6 months added 100k to my revenue from a brand new offer. 

Mistake # 5: Not having a clear and practiced sales process. 

Look I get it you hate sales. Who doesn’t? But that zoom/phone call is the difference between you growing your business or being one of the thousands of LLCs that are created and go nowhere. 

Everyone has a different selling style. Mine over time has changed and most likely will continue to evolve but what works for me is this, give away the strategy that can solve their problems on the call and ask a simple question, do you want to implement this on your own or have be do it for/with you? 

So there you have it 5 mistakes you can now avoid and successfully grow your business. Now here is the thing are you going to implement or do you need some help guiding you through the process? 

On November 12th and 13th we have a live workshop to walk you through everything you need to know to add 6 figures to your business. 

Will we see you there?



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