FOCUS: Why Entrepreneurs Trying to Grow on Social Media Don’t Become Millionaires

Are you legitimately happy with where you’re at in life and business?

If the answer is YES, then great — you’re doing it right!

But, if the answer is NO, then I’m going to tell you why.

If you’re not legitimately happy with where you’re at, it has nothing to do with your work ethic or how good you are.

Instead, it’s all because of your focus — it’s because you’re focused on all the wrong things. And, when you’re focused on all the wrong things, you’re not going to get to the places you really want to be.

Now, I know it seems simple, but actually, it’s something not a lot of people take time to think about.

Especially when it comes to the coaching niche, everyone is obsessed about growing their online presence. For a good number of these people, it’s all about getting more followers, likes, comments and shares.

But, what if I told you that the vast majority of millionaires have LESS than 1,000 followers?

Crazy, right?

Maybe not?

What this shows us is that these are two completely different areas of focus. Some people are focused on growing their social media accounts (and getting lots of followers), while other people are focused on making money (and actually making money).

What you’re focused on, grows.

Being a sales coach, a lot of people ask me how they can grow their business. But, here’s the thing: the vast majority of these people’s time is spent on things that won’t actually grow their business. Things like:

  • Researching hashtags

  • Making lots of content

  • Engaging in the DMs

  • Doing anything they can to get more followers

Being this focused on your social media growth, though, won’t do anything for you if your marketing or sales strategies aren’t good. If you want a bigger business and more sales, you must instead focus on the things that will have a direct impact on this outcome.

Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t focus on making content.

I’m not saying that content won’t do anything for your business.

What I AM saying is that you have to remain intentional.

You can’t just follow any random advice you find and start using it without thinking. Instead, before you do anything, you have to actually understand the WHY behind it.

Even if the advice you’re given seems logical, it’s your job to analyze and make sure it has a direct correlation to your goals.

The Focus-Checker Exercise

Now, let’s do a simple exercise to make sure you’re focused on the right things.

  1. Write down what you want for your business or your life.

  2. Write down the results you’re currently getting.

  3. Ask yourself, “do these two things align?

If they don’t align, we need to move to the next level.

4. Ask yourself, “what are my daily behaviors?

In other words, what actions are you taking every day to move you closer to your goals?

Daily behaviors are key — it’s these that dictate whether or not you reach the goals you set for yourself. If you’re not getting the results you want, it’s all because of your daily behaviors.


Because your daily behaviors add up.

They might not seem significant when you look at them individually, but over time, they start to have a much bigger impact on your success.

So, if you’re not getting the things you want in life or in business AND you’re not focusing on your daily behaviors, you have no one else to blame except yourself.

— — —

What you focus on makes all the difference.

If you want to grow a social media account, focus on hashtags and engagement. If you want to grow a business and actually make money, though, focus on marketing and sales.

Too many times, people’s daily actions have nothing to do with the goals they’re after.

So, before you go any further, make sure what you’re doing on a daily basis is in direct alignment with what you want.

That way, you can be sure what you’re doing matters.



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