Sales Call Success

Here's the thing about sales calls: they're not that complicated. But if you don't have a solid process in place, you're going to piss off a lot of prospects. That's why it's so important to be clear on the journey you're trying to take the prospect on. 

When you have a sales call roadmap in place, you'll be able to guide your prospect from start to finish and close the sale with ease. You ready? Let’s make some money. 

The Buyer’s Line

When making a sales call, you have to understand the end goal. Your only goal is to keep your potential lead on the buyer’s line. Imagine the buyer’s line as a straight line that takes a consumer from ‘point A’ to ‘point B’.  

Step 1: Build Rapport

The first step is pretty obvious and the most important. Nothing is worse than diving straight into your sales pitch without engaging your lead in conversation. How do you engage in conversation with someone you’ve never met? Here’s a secret:  Spend some time beforehand researching your lead. Get to know their industry, business, their goals and their challenges. This will put you in a better position to connect with your prospect and establish authority and trust.

This puts you in a position to establish authority and trust with clients.’ -Raylen Davis

Step 2: Set the Stage

On a sales call, you ALWAYS want to be in control of the conversation. Establish yourself as the leader. Set the stage. The best way to do this is by setting the intention of the call upfront. Want my script? It goes something like this: 

‘So the purpose of the call today is simple. I want to understand where you're at right now, and where you're wanting to go. What is literally the vision for your business? What are the problems you're faced with? My job during the call is to see if I can help you. If I can, I'm going to tell you. If there's no way I can help you, I'm not, I don't want to waste your time. I'm going to be incredibly honest with you and say, you know what? I can't help you, but I know someone who can.’ 

If you actually implement this script, you’ll become the authority on the call. This is how you keep your lead on the buyer’s line. 

Step 3: Explore

So let's say you get on a call with a lead. Their problem is 'I don't generate enough sales'.  Now, during the explore stage, your job is to identify the underlying issue of why they’re not making sales. To do this, you have to shift their perspective. Your goal is to give them an 'aha moment'.  What does this actually sound like on a call? Something like this:

‘I know you think your problem is you're just not making enough sales, but what if the underlying issue is you just don't know how to show up on social media? The reason you're not generating leads is you don't know what dream outcome your avatar wants. And if you knew that, do you feel like that would help you generate more sales, more leads, and have a better presence on social?’

Once you’ve delivered that shift of perspective, sit back and watch for the ‘aha moment’. That moment is exactly HOW you separate yourself from the 1,000s of others who offer the same services. 

Step 4: Explain The Offer

Here's where everyone screws up. Most coaches get to this stage and go ‘here are the features and benefits of my program. I offer one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and this package that will help you get to where you want to be’. There's no context. It doesn't make sense. If you get nothing else from this article, get this: 

The vehicle does not matter. 

Your lead doesn’t care HOW you do it, they care about the transformation. While you’re explaining the ins and outs of your offer, the prospect will be thinking, ‘How does this benefit me? How will this help me?’.  Avoid the confusion by explaining  your offer  in two ways: 

  1. Connect their ‘biggest issue’ with one solution that your offer provides. 

  2. Connect their ‘dream outcome’ with 3-5 bulleted key points of your offer

Step 5: Transition to Close

This is another stage that a lot of you fuck up. I’m going to tell you how to make this dummy-proof. Ready? Implement the trial close. In the trial close, we actually want to receive a ‘no’. That ‘no’ will lead to the ultimate ‘yes’. Here’s what that looks like:

If you had everything that I just showed you today if you had everything that the program has to offer, do you see any reason at all that you couldn't be successful?  Do you see any reason at all that you couldn't achieve the dream outcome that you want?

Your goal is to have the client experience another ‘aha moment’ and answer ‘No, I think this has everything’. Now you have solidified the buy-in. They have acknowledged that your offer is the solution to their problem. 


Once you’ve received that ‘no’ in the trial close, the only objection that can possibly be made comes down to money. It’s your job to transition to the price. My all-time favorite price transition is the two-option close. When giving your prospects two pricing options, the price loses ‘shock factor’, if you will. Here’s an example:

Great, now that we know this is the perfect fit for you, I have two pricing options available.

Option A: $2,000 up front

Option B: Three easy payments of $1,000

Like I said before, this is the same strategy that I take all of my clients through - it’s generated millions of dollars so far. The strategy works. Trust it. Use it.

Contact me in the free Elevated Coaches Community if you have any questions. 


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