What Is Stopping You From Building A Successful Coaching Business?

There's a mindset shift you have to make in order to be successful as a coach. You can't keep telling yourself you're not ready, that you need to wait for the perfect moment. The perfect moment is now. 

Successful entrepreneurs don’t get to where they are by sitting around, waiting for the 'perfect moment'. They got there by taking action, by making a commitment to themselves and their vision. So if you're serious about becoming a successful coach, it's time to stop making excuses and start taking action.

Did that first paragraph take your heart rate up twenty notches, like a 'two-scoop-pre-workout-leg-day'? If so, then keep reading – you're the caliber of coach I want here. If not, go back to reading Brene Brown.

Dead Stop Mindset

A lot of people have what I call a 'dead stop' mindset. That is, they come to a complete stop at the thought of trying something new. They get stuck in their comfort zones and never venture out into the unknown. This mindset is a thief. It's robbing you of the dreams, ambitions, goals, lifestyle, business, and success that you've always wanted.

I had a conversation about this with a coach recently. I asked her, 'do you run a 1:1 coaching business, or do you run a group-coaching business?' to which she responded, 'I'm a new coach, so I only do 1:1 coaching'. I asked her to explain her thought process, and she stated 'I can't run a group coaching program, I've never done it before'.

That's a 'dead stop' mentality. Instead of allowing herself to open her mind to different avenues of success, she has stopped herself. Coaches: a 'dead stop' mentality is where every coaching career goes to die. If you want to achieve success in any area of your life, you MUST shift your mindset. You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. When you do, you open yourself up to limitless possibilities. Stop letting the 'thief' known as doubt and fear hold you back. Shift your mindset and get sh#@ done!

Make It Happen Mindset

Instead of preventing yourself from trying a different approach to business, or life in general, ask yourself 'how?'. 'How would I make this happen?'. When we shift the thought from 'I can't', to 'If I were going to do this, how would I do it?' We train our minds to approach obstacles differently.

Imagine you're standing in the middle of a deserted bridge. The bridge is broken. A plane, or some giant King Kong shit crashed through it. On the other side of the bridge is a square safe. Inside that safe is $1,000,000. In this completely made-up scenario, would you just turn around and start thinking about all the reasons why you couldn't cross the bridge? Or would you start thinking about how you could get to the other side? Would you look for a way to build a new bridge? Or maybe look for a way to fly over the gap?

When we start asking ourselves 'how?' instead of 'why not?' We open up a whole world of possibilities. The next time you find yourself thinking 'I can't do this' or 'this will never work', stop and ask yourself 'how could I make this happen?' I'm willing to bet that you'll be surprised by the possibilities.

Stay Motivated.

Stay Elevated.

Coach Ray


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