Elevate Your Social Selling Skills

There's a lot more to Instagram than posting pretty pictures. If you want to use the platform to grow your business, you need to be strategic about the content you post. That means creating content that will actually convince your followers to become paying customers.

[Hint: I tell you how in the steps below.]

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

If you want to make money on social media, the first thing you need to ask yourself is, ‘What do I want to be known for?’. Simply hopping onto the latest trend or fad may seem like an easy way to gain tons of exposure and followers, but it will do nothing for your bank account if it’s not connected to your larger purpose.  

You have to develop a strong conversion strategy that is grounded in your core values and beliefs. This means thinking critically about what drives you and what matters most to you. Use that knowledge to craft compelling content that resonates with your audience.

What Do You Have to Offer?

If you want to monetize social media, conversion is key. You have to make it clear what you offer, and how people can work with you. What will your product or service do to transform their lives? Whether it's helping them save time, money, or energy, you have to be clear about the value you provide. Otherwise, people will scroll right past your content and never give you a second thought. So if you're serious about making money from social media, make sure you're offering something people actually want and need.

Give It All Away

There are some people that don't like giving stuff away for free. They think giving away content for free means people will never pay for it. But here’s a secret - those people are broke!

Because the real value lies in having access to the person who created the content. 

If you're just watching a video on YouTube, you're not able to ask questions or get clarification, but if you're paying for access to someone's time, you're able to get personalized, customized feedback. That's where the true value lies. That’s what makes it worth it.

Take It To The Stories

Looking at Instagram as a funnel, we can see that every person who lands on your page is at the top of the funnel. As you engage with those people, whether by leaving comments or liking and replying to their posts, they start to fall deeper into the funnel. Eventually, they reach your stories. This audience is most interested in connecting with you and building a relationship. 

In order to reach this group and transition into the rapport-building stage, you have to get them to raise their hand. What does that look like? Share a poll, make a statement using the ‘slider’ sticker, ask for book recommendations, etc. The point is, you have to be strategic with it. What questions can you ask that will initiate a conversation in the DM’s? You figure that out, and you’re well on your way. 

Moral of The Story

It doesn't take anything fancy to monetize on social media. All you need is a camera and your thoughts. Get off your ass, follow these tips, get out there and convert. If you have questions, reach out to me in the free Elevated Coaches Community. If I can’t answer your questions, I know for a fact that one of the coaches in this community can. 

Stay Motivated. 

Stay Elevated. 



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