Effective Marketing Strategies to Fuel Your Business Growth

In today’s episode of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast, we are joined by Mr. Phillip Smoak. Philip is an expert in sales and marketing and has started multiple businesses, including a SAAS, coaching, and a consulting business. He’s also the host of the "Project Life '' podcast, where he mentors people on live calls and helps them bring new perspectives to their lives and business. Phillip started recruiting and building sales teams when he was 26 and built one of the fastest-growing teams for the company within two years. He has recruited over 2,000 sales reps and onboarded over 10 thousand customers with one training system. Phillip’s work has been featured in Success from Home magazine and recognized as a top producer. His mission is to continue changing people's lives through mentor-ship and training to ease their biggest hurdles stopping them from reaching their full potential as business owners or individuals.

In this article, you will learn more about the marketing strategies that Phillip shared in the episode to help you create a sales process that can effectively turn your audience into clients and fuel your business growth. Read on!

How To Setting up Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing on LinkedIn or any other platform is not about the sales pitch. It is all about prospecting. Prospecting is everything in your business, and if you're in a startup and you're not prospecting, you are missing a lot unless you have a big marketing budget for ads and organic marketing. A solid prospecting campaign can help you transform your outcome.

A lot of time, if you are too nervous about your offer, you will not be able to prospect or provide clarity around what you are offering. So, if you’re not talking to people and doing things revolving around your offer, you’re not going to know what people needs, and your offer will not stand out.

Marketing creates a platform for people to understand who you are, and there are many forms of marketing, including outbound and inbound prospecting, digital ad marketing, PR, and more. 

What Makes outbound marketing Not to Work 

Your business needs an inbound and outbound strategy, but what makes an outbound marketing strategy not work is not having a solid offer, transformation, and story. If you have a baseline offer, you are just like everybody else. There is no relatability to revenue, you will not be able to stand out, and no amount of marketing can fix it. 

As businesses, we’re all looking to make more money in the end, grow and create more. However, we’ve to make sure that our offer is different from others and say it in a way that it’s the end result. People love to sell on processes and not destinations, and you will want to market on the destination because that is what people are thinking about.  

Phillip's advice: You have to think about what your offer is and the real end results that people are looking for in-depth to be effective.  

How To Do Marketing Your Business as A Startup

Startups are people who are just starting their companies to start building revenue. If you are a startup company, you need to do SWAT equity, to educate, build revenue, and put your funds on what is really important, which is marketing.

To do your marketing, Philip says that you don’t need a website, you just need a video that explains your offer to start selling in the market. You can start by talking to 20, 50, or 100 people on LinkedIn or Facebook about your offer and share your video with those who are open to learning about your offer. Phillip shares that this is how he started his company and they were doing LinkedIn prospecting only.  

Phillip’s advice: There will always be a learning curve and you have to learn the strategy, tone of voice, and who your avatar is. 

How Sales, Marketing, and Branding Works and Why it Matters 

Historical, in corporations, marketing has never been part of the sales fulfillment process or client retention. However, understanding that sales give you money now, marketing gives money next quarter, branding gives you money next year, and incorporating them into your strategy is a big win. 

When you do your marketing and branding well in an organic way and give value, the longer you wait to ask for a sales pitch, the more you can ask for. If somebody comes to you from an organic market, they are ready to go 50% to 70 % of the time. However, organic marketing takes time, and you have to create content and push it to your audience, which is slightly different from prospecting. Sales prospecting is great if you are brand new as it can bring in calls immediately.

You can combine organic marketing with prospecting to create an awesome marketing strategy. 

Building a Team to Replace Yourself in Your Business 

If something happens to you tomorrow, will your company be there and be able to survive. Looking at your business as an asset instead of what you want to do can help you see beyond yourself. You can build a big brand, but if you’re doing the fulfillment yourself all the time, it might not be what you want for the rest of your life. 

Having so much expectation of yourself can hinder growth. Your journey in your business is important, but you have to be conscious of what you are doing. Doing everything is not sustainable, and you can’t know everything all the time. Times also change, we change, and our minds shift, especially when we’re doing personal development, and at times we want to take on a bigger giant. 

Ask yourself the right question can help you pivot to the right path and get people to work with and for you.


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