Using Human Design In Branding

This article was adapted from Episode 16 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Andrea. Andrea is a certified Life and Neuro Coach accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a board-certified Hypnosis Consultant, an EFT Tapping practitioner, Quantum Alignment System Practitioner, and a Quantum Human Design Specialist. She helps Hiding Solopreneurs evolve into Thriving Soulpreneurs by RECALIBRATING their minds and business models to build a profitable business that aligns with their purpose. 

In this article, you will learn more about human design and how you can leverage it to brand and align your business with your purpose.

Read on!

Human Design and How it Works

Do you find yourself doing so many tactical things to help your clients, but they don’t resolve the root cause? Human design will help you get deeper and create lasting, effective change. 

Human design is the science of understanding yourself, and it combines astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, quantum physics, and epigenetics. Human design helps you transform your perception of self, your inner dialogue changes, how your DNA manifests, and how your cells express themselves because your behavior and environment shift as well. 

Coaching helps clients shift their focus from the point of changing and fixing, but human design focuses on helping them understand themselves fully. There is nothing wrong with your client. They are perfect as they are. They are not broken. The only thing is they don’t understand themself fully, others don’t understand them, and they feel less than others.

The Epigenetics Side of Human Design

When you have a constant dialogue in your mind of “I’m so inadequate,” or “I’m just going to make a fool of myself,” and you’re so worried about messing up and how people are going to judge you, your body will react based on that information. From a neurological perspective, you are giving your mind ques to look out for and proof of what will happen.

You’re programming your mind to look for evidence that you’re a failure, nobody will hire you, and that will not work out. On the physiological level, your dialogue and inner conversation are also impacting the hormones that get secreted, the systems that are running, and the self-defense system that wants to keep you safe from danger is activated, which in turn shuts down other systems. At the cell and the DNA level, it influences how each cell gets expressed and communicates with each other. 

All these reactions sprout from recurring negative thoughts, but the inner dialogue starts shifting when we give ourselves permission to be who we are instead of who we’re supposed to be. Human Design is conversational, and it’s all about permitting yourself to be who you are instead of hiding it, avoiding or being uncomfortable. When you become comfortable being yourself, different hormones and chemicals get expressed, and your system starts operating together instead of against each other.

The Essence of Understanding Human Design

The goal of human design is to help you understand how you are uniquely designed to operate.  

Human design helps change your perception of yourself as a business owner and entrepreneur. It gives you a confirmation of how you are uniquely designed to lead, build a business, and operate in your gifting. Once you understand your human design, there is no room for what if or guesswork on what you should and should not be doing. 

Human design is different from other tests that evaluate personality because they are external, while it is internal and focuses on who you are. To change your self-perception, you only need to connect to an inner knowing to discover your design and operate in it. You don’t need something new or outside yourself.

How To Use Human Design To Craft Your Offer

We all have our own flaws, and when crafting your offers, you must understand how sustainable it’s for you based on the details and energy you’re putting into them. Whether it is a mastermind or a group program, focus on what you can achieve, not what people are doing. So many people get stuck trying to do what others are doing, not to miss out, be different, or stay ahead of the game, which is not sustainable.

There is a million way to craft an offer and Identify what aligns with how you’re designed to manage your energy and operate. When you tap into your human design, you can naturally tap into your gifts to create offers that align and impact.

Creating A Healthy Balance To Stay In Alignment

As an entrepreneur, you can over-express certain attributes because of fear or under-express them not to show up in your gifting. Human design helps you stay aligned and balanced for as long as possible. Shifts will always come, and you will move one way or the other, but the key is awareness and bringing yourself back to alignment. 

Tip: Every single center and attribute that you have in your design has an over-expression or sub-expression, and awareness is key.


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