How To Make Money With Email Marketing

This article was adapted from Episode 17 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Rock Hunt. Rock is an automation specialist, marketing coach, and business owner who helps people automate with intent. Before automation Rock was a general manager for a foreign company, and his job was to manage a sales team that used to go to the apartment complex. After working for three years, the company moved, and he had to figure out what to do. He landed in inbound marketing.

In this article, you will learn more about affiliate marketing, email marketing, the content that converts, automation, and how you can leverage them to make money online.

Read on!

How To Do Online Marketing

Making money online is not a mystery anymore. It’s all about showing up, putting yourself out there and being consistent with your actions, nothing complicated. For Rock, creating value and being available was key to building his audience. 

Everyone is talking about how to grow on Instagram, but Rock focuses on what that growth will lead to. According to him, you can’t convert followers into buyers unless you have systems to automate your process and the buyer journey.

Tip: Put systems in place that can help you focus on your customer journey, and lifetime customer value will maximize your outcome.

Creating Content For Email Marketing

When it comes to email marketing, so many business owners spend a lot of time overthinking. Email marketing is not rocket science. It is also not about being clever or creative but about providing value.

You don’t need grandiose content or a novel to build an email list. Email is far more like short conversation and storytelling. No one is fun of reading super long emails. Usually, when people can see the bottom of the email, they are likely to finish it. Rock shares that he loves newsletters about the Valuepreneur, and what fascinates him most is their call to action. The call to action is usually based on value content or video to help people level up, not a pitch or an offer. You don’t pitch in a call to action. You prioritize value. 

Creating content for your emails doesn’t have to be daunting. If you post every day on Instagram, take just two of your last six posts and expound them deeper on email, and you will get a newsletter.

Tip: Don’t pitch your offer in your email. It will get stale. When your audience gets value from your emails, they will want to go deeper, and when they are ready, they fall on your laps.

Email Marketing Automation

Rock shares that he enjoys more of the strategy in email marketing. According to him, you can put people in sequences forever when you automate your email marketing in different flows. 

You can automate your sequences from your welcome to the last sequence. The sequences have triggers, no need for follow-up. Your clients will automatically be led to the next email sequences through clicks and links. However, to automate your processes, understanding your offer, audience, and buyers' journey is so impactful.

The Causes of Low Email Click Rate

The problem with email marketing today is that most business owners don’t appreciate the list they have because it’s free. They don’t care if it is as good as it’s supposed to be because it doesn’t cost much. Back in the day, an error in direct mail was very costly and could screw up everything. 

Doing email marketing intentionally and in a way that can inspire your audience can help us get more results. According to Rock, there are two leading causes of low click rates. First, when your audience knows that you are going to give them an offer, they will automatically ignore it. Second, you might be doing the opposite, where you don’t have a call to action and are trying to hide the link between the text. They will see it, but they will not click it.

How To Get Started In Email Marketing

So many business owners think email marketing is dead because they haven’t figured out how to use it optimally. If you have something valuable and want to get started, give it away for free.

Start by creating a landing or squeeze page where you get your audiences' emails in exchange for a freebie. Rock doesn’t recommend giving out an eBook. According to him, they are dead and played out. He recommends video training, a free course, or a one-page read. A good freebie is the one you feel you should be charging for it. It should be valuable to make sense.

The next step is to make content around it to get in front of your audience and leverage other people's audiences. When you’re confident about what you are able to deliver, you can create your own sequences. Additionally, create a story if you don’t have one. Storytelling creates more relatability. 

Tip: Freebie giveaways are still the best way to generate a list.


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