How To Become Outrageous

This article was adapted from Episode 18 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Leonard Szymczak. Leonard is an award-winning author, international speaker, psychotherapist, and life coach in Southern California. For the past 40 years, he has worked as an educator, writer, and therapist in Australia and America. He was the Director of the Family Therapy Program at the Marriage and Family Centre in Sydney, Australia, and later worked with the Family Institute at Northwestern University. 

In this article, you will learn about how to overcome limiting beliefs, identify your purpose, move out of your comfort zone and become outrageous in your business.

Read on!

Saying Yes To Becoming Outrageous

Saying yes to outrageous means stepping out of your comfort zone and getting your talent and gifts out there. We all have important messages. We’re here on earth for a purpose, and the biggest discovery we can make is recognizing our purpose.

Our gifts and talents are connected to our purpose, but society tends to value a paying job more than what we are passionate about. Society believes our purpose is to get a good job and make money. These messages often create limiting beliefs that stop us from fully living, experiencing the richness of life, and reaching our full potential.

However, everything changes once we’re connected to our internal purpose, the message that resonates, vibrates and excites us. That is the kind of message we’re supposed to convey, and we’ve to stop those limiting beliefs that stop us from being out there in the world.

What Is A Purpose And How To Find It

According to Leonard, a purpose is a mission, and a mission comprises a vision plus action. We all have an inner GPS that teaches us to connect with our inner guidance system; if you can connect with your inner guidance system, it will reveal your purpose for you.  

So what do you need to connect to your inner guidance system?   You may ask. 

You need to be still and develop a relationship with your inner guidance system to discover your purpose. Many people are disconnected from themselves and their emotions. In fact, research shows that most males are connected to their emotions up to the age of 6, after which they start getting disconnected.

Emotions are important and a vehicle for us to connect to our inner guidance system. If you’re disconnected from your intuition or inner self, you will not be able to get a burst of messaging from your inner guidance system that connects with your soul’s purpose.

Connecting With Your Authentic Self

We were born with an authentic way to live in the world, but as we age start developing false selves. The messages we receive from our parents, ministers, and teachers force us to align with different standards, and we start developing into versions to survive in this world. 

Leonard shares that analyzing young children will give you a great perspective if you want to know what an authentic self looks like and how we lose it. Young children wake up alive and vibrant. They know what they want and are authentically there. However, as they age and enter the school system, they start suppressing a lot of their feelings and preventing themselves from being authentic in how they express their thoughts, feelings, and bodies. 

To be authentic, you have to be connected with your body, emotions, mind, heart, voice, and vision. You are all connected, and it’s all about making sure you are in alignment with yourself.

Tip: Your authentic self takes you on a journey of self-actualization to actualize your full potential as a human being.

Therapy and Why Sometimes It Doesn’t Work

Therapists traditionally look to diagnose people because they think there must be something wrong with them. Leonard believes that no one is broken. What happens is that we’ve developed survival strategies, and all of them are ingenious.  Even if a person is depressed or anxious, these are just survival strategies the body uses to deal with and overcome trauma.

According to Leonard, you can choose to have different and more empowering survival strategies. You don’t have to isolate, be anxious or be invisible to survive, you can choose other survival strategies, and you don’t have to get rid of the old ones because they may come in handy later on. Expand yourself to have other survival strategies to allow you greater capacity to be in the world.

Having anxiety or depression does not automatically make them a part of your identity. These are just symptoms that trigger certain behaviors, and identifying them as triggers and behaviors rather than part of your personality or identity is empowering. However, identifying yourself as anxious or depressed is a self-fulfilling prophecy that creates a world that makes you more anxious and depressed.

Becoming Hypervigilant With Your Emotions

Often emotions are a defense mechanism, and becoming hypervigilant with your emotions is the way to win the game. Understanding how you feel, why you feel that way, what triggers the feeling, and what to do about it is key to success.  

Emotional intelligence is all about two things. 

  • First, it’s about becoming intelligent about your emotional state when you’re anxious, ashamed, loving, and joyful and knowing how to shift. It is not just about becoming aware but also knowing how to shift the emotional states.

  • Second is becoming aware of other people's emotional and relational state so you can shift it. 

Tip: Don’t make choices that impact your life and future based on feelings. Feelings are tied to thoughts, but if you absorb the thoughts that come with them, they go away.


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