How To Become Better In Public Speaking

This article was adapted from Episode 19 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Nathan Gold, also known as The Demo Coach. Nathan is a public speaking coach who helps people overcome anxiety and prove their skills while presenting to an audience. With years of experience in the industry, he has developed a range of techniques and strategies to help individuals with their authentic voices. Nathan is a  two-time winner of the distinguished DEMOgod Award and has delivered thousands of presentations and hours of professional coaching. He has worked with individuals and small and large companies on designing and producing more compelling and memorable presentations and product demos.

In this article, you will learn how to overcome public speaking anxiety and connect with your audience to deliver powerful and impactful presentations.

Read on!

Overcoming Anxiety In Public Speaking

We have natural fight, flight or freeze reactions to everything in life. Some are much more severe than others. However, when you are in front of people, the fight mode is not to hit people but to communicate and have a conversation with them. 

Every one of us feels nervous, but how we deal with emotions is what matters. Nathan shares that he has been doing presentations since the early 80s, and he has had thousands of people in front of him, and he gets nervous when he has to walk up in front of 10 people. His nervousness comes from being prepared and excited to share Vs. he’s scared to death because he’s not prepared.

Tip: If you walk into a cage and aren’t prepared, you will die. But if you walk in prepared and know you can handle anything that comes your way, you will win.

How To Captivate Your Audience

The virtual world is still an undiscovered world for a lot of people. They still think it’s a camera with a screen and a microphone. 

However, the virtual world is so amazing, and Nathan shares that he’s not looking to get back to the Live world again. Everything he used to do in person, he has translated over to the virtual world to have equal or better results. He’s definitely getting better results because he can do four exercises in one hour with any number of people. 

The virtual world allows you to have unlimited people and make eye contact with each one of them, unlike in the Live world.

Mistakes People Are Making Selling Online

No matter what you do in long-form content, you still need your content in the short format. Many people are addicted to shots, and you need these little things to get people’s attention and get them there.

Another mistake people are making is not providing enough value, only promises. You are not paid to provide content to the world. People pay for access to you. Your content shows them what it would be like to work with you.

Anybody can watch a video and read content, but the experience they get it in the Live connections, whether in-person or virtual. Providing an experience to your audience that they will always remember is key to your success.

How To Get Consistent Leads

If you have been trying different hacks only to end up disappointed or trying to figure out how to get more leads, Nathan recommends you give it all away. If you have something you’re offering, put it out there and give it all out. 

This may seem tricky because most of us think if we give it away, we will not be able to charge for it anymore. However, the thing is, your clients are not paying for the content. They are paying for the experience. 

Tip: Giving it away amplifies the value in your audience's mind of what you can do when they meet you. So, give it all away, even that special thing you invented. Help enough people.

How To Improve Your Coaching Skillset

There is that imposter syndrome that we all feel, whether in life or coaching, but you can easily be set to the side if you truly believe what you’re doing for people is valuable. All you need is to tell good stories with good points that use concision by asking the right questions at the right time.

If all you did was ask the right questions at the right time, you would change lives. So, stop making statements and ask more questions. By asking people more questions, you will lead them to their discovery, answers and realization to take the next step with confidence. The more you do it, the easy it gets.

Tip: The best questions are the questions you ask clients, and they have to go back to their minds because they don’t have an immediate answer.  There is power in silence and waiting for your clients to come up with an idea.

Storytelling and How To Be A Better Storyteller

Story metrics help you to get the data out of your head so that you can have a place where you can put triggers to the stories happening in your life. 

All metrics are created using a word document in the crowd that helps you keep track of your stories. Following your metrics is keeping track of the stories you will use in your presentations, TED talks, investor pitches, or with customers.

Every story on the planet can be told in one sentence. Learn how to inspire and tease your audience with one sentence of what your story is about, and then expand on that based on the situation, time, audience, and purpose of the story. 

Tip: Always use concision. Cut off the fluff.


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