Branding Strategy To Increase Sales

This article was adapted from Episode 15 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Mike Grise, a sales and branding strategist who has been in sales for a long time in many different capacities. Mike's first gig was in personal training, selling training sessions, gym membership, and more. He then shifted to the technology space and got introduced to products, management, product marketing, and branding, which ties to overall sales strategy. 

In this article, you will learn more about branding, why it’s important, and the branding strategies that will help you differentiate and stand out from your competition.

Read on!

Branding and Why It’s Important

As salespeople, we focus so much on pitching our product, which gets our prospects into a defensive response because we list product features without liking them to what they want to solve. This makes branding very important in your marketing strategy. Branding helps people understand your business and the type of transformation you will help them achieve even before you market to them.

Branding and marketing are not synonymous. Marketing focuses on product and service, while branding combines everything that is core to your business, including experience, your reputation, why people should care about you, and why they should view you as an authority figure.

According to Mike, whether you’re an entrepreneur or just in sales, there are a lot of benefits for you to elevate yourself amongst your peers through personal branding. It will help you knock down the barriers by making your prospects curious to learn how you can help solve their problems, which will help you strategize your sales strategy and get more clients.

Tip: Your brand is what will help you attract people to you, and you’re never get done working on it.

Why You Need Personal Branding

Personal branding is an excellent way to create awareness of your business. Traditionally, we used to rely on marketing campaign after marketing campaign events to create awareness for our business. However, today it can happen overnight with a strong story about the company coming from the owner.

Creating a personal brand draws people to you naturally. This kind of traction is the best outreach you can do because you’re qualifying people and creating excitement and curiosity that makes them more likely to buy from you in the future. So, if you’re a business owner, take advantage of your brand to open doors and create different opportunities for your business.

Tip: There are many secondary benefits we don’t see behind branding, but sharing our story, explaining our vision, and everything behind the business opens doors for new opportunities.

How To Be Different And Standout Online As A Coach

If you’re just starting out or looking for something that can help you stand out, look for things you’ve zero barriers to entry to and start creating valuable content. Anybody can open a social media account but creating unique content, being consistent, and educating people is what will set you apart. 

Knowing what you are passionate about and creating valuable content with consistency will help you create connections online, expand your reach and keep growing.

Leveraging Time And Trust To Build Relationship

When creating content for your audience, you should always be offering something, not asking for something from your prospect. Whether it’s knowledge, guidance, or a fresh perspective, it will help you spend time and build relationships with your audience.

Sales is all about time and trust. If you can increase the amount of time your prospect spends with you, trust goes up. The more prospects spend time with you, the faster they will decide whether or not to trust you and buy from you.

Strategies For Client Acquisition

When it comes to sales, there is no black-and-white or silver bullet in client acquisition but educating people on why they need a coach is important. So many people think they can do it on their own, and you’ve to be educated on the why, what your value is as a coach, and the things they have not thought of to start moving. 

Mike shares that his strategy has been educating his audience on the roadblocks, objections, and barriers on their way, how he can help them pivot as a coach, and why they should care about what he can do for them. 

Mike has also had mentors throughout his career and finds them valuable for anyone trying to be a coach.


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