Creating Simple Systems For Your Business

This article was adapted from Episode 14 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we’re joined by Jese Gary, a female entrepreneur turned business coach for catering and event planning business owners and the founder of the Greeneyedambition. Her mission is to inspire entrepreneurs to embrace simple systems to operate their small businesses professionally, effectively, and profitably. 

In this article, you will learn more about project management, leadership, mindset, and how you can simplify your business to scale. Learn how to tackle the systems and mindset obstacles getting in the way of your success.

Read on!

How To Enhance Project Management In Your Teams

Sometimes it takes stuff falling apart to realize we need to use the systems because that is where we learn. When you are using any type of project management, your willingness will be challenged, and for most of us, we need to have enough discomfort to go with the process.

For your team’s efficiency, you’ve to make sure tasks are assigned to them on the platforms we’re using, and notifications are sent to them. If someone has a task pending, you can mention them on the platform to build up, be organized, and help your team follow the structures. Do away with text and emails to enhance compliance.

Tip: Remember, it takes you to thrive; when you stand for the platform you’re using, your team will get aligned.

Leadership And What It Means In Your Business

Leadership is knowing what you’re good at and understanding what your team members are good at to make progress. That will enable you to guide them, support them, and create a space where they are open to correcting and calling you out of yourself when you deviate.  

If you don’t create a checks and balances system within your company, it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing everything you want because you’re the leader. It’s in those spaces you start getting away from your vision. Create a space for your employees, coaching groups, mentorship groups, or individuals to hold you accountable and keep you on track. 

As a leader, accepting and allowing correction without feeling like someone is trying to make your vision small is the key to success.

The Different Levels of Leadership

Every leader wants to know where they are and how to get to the next level. And you’re not different!

There are different levels of leadership, and John Maxwell talks about the different levels of leadership out there. Understanding where you’re on your journey and where you want to go from here and leaning on the areas of strength will help you get ahead. 

As long as you’re living and running a business, there will always be an area to grow, whether you realize it or not. Leadership demands continuous improvement and growth for constant success.

Leadership Vs. Personality

Leadership success is not about getting people to like you or getting to the other end. It’s about the culture. The kind of culture you’re creating in your company that is going to either attract or repel the right people.

Don’t make leadership a personality ground. It will limit you from getting people who will be a good addition to your business. People are not working just to work for companies. They want to be part of your company's culture, vision, and mission. 

Tip: Leadership creates culture. Your business culture is all attraction. The culture you create determines the type of people you attract and what you build and achieve in your business.

Hybrid And Working at Home

Integrating a hybrid system into your business strategy is very doable. Coworking spaces are very important. They provide us with a community and social fulfillment. We were not created to be alone. 

However, we also need a workspace at home to pursue things from in our space. When we do things ourselves, that cultivates us to keep pursuing bigger visions and reaching the next level.

The Importance of Having a Coach

Having the right coach that challenges and corrects you is a life-changing experience. As an entrepreneur, you can’t know it all, and you must be receptive to feedback, guidance, and advice to move in the right direction. 

Mindset is key. If you are hiring your first business coach, go for a mindset coach to help you work on your emotional intelligence and prepare for the entrepreneurial journey. This will help you take to control your path and make the shifts that you need to get where you want to be. If you don’t control what is coming in, the world will do it for you, and it will make you revert back to the old ways. 

Tip: Mindset is everything, You can have great talent, but without the right mindset, you will not be able to realize your full potential. Working on yourself allows you to show up and make the impact you want.


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