The 5 Simple Habits of Wildly Successful Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs, here’s the success hack you’ve been looking for:

mimic other successful entrepreneurs.

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you literally just have to copy what other successful entrepreneurs are doing.

Of all the ones I’ve talked to, these 5 habits are the most common:

Habit 1: Do Something Outside of Work

One thing I love doing is jiu-jitsu.


Not only is it great for my personal health and wellbeing, but it also has so many parallels with entrepreneurship:

  • Detachment: knowing when to let go so you can achieve a strategic goal

  • Sacrifice: giving up one thing to gain something better

  • Momentum: strategically taking advantage of the momentum you already have

When you take time to actually do something outside of work, you’ll find similarities.

And when you find these similarities, you’ll be able to solve problems in new and innovative ways — ways that no one has even tried before.

Habit 2: Ask More Questions

So many people think they have all the answers — including entrepreneurs.

You ask them a question, and they immediately come back with an answer.

But, here’s the thing:

Nobody has all the answers.

If you want to be a great entrepreneur, you have to be able to ask more questions than you give statements.

When I met Joe Polish a while back, the founder and CEO of Genius Network, he asked me more questions than I asked him. Even though he’s a successful entrepreneur (and way above where I am now), he still asked lots of questions.

I thought it was so fascinating.

But, that’s when I had a realization — asking lots of questions is the reason why he is successful.

He pays attention to other people and learns from them.

Habit 3: Use Your Early Hours for Reflection

They say that if you win your morning, you’ll win your day.

But so many times, our mornings are filled with chaos and distraction.

If you’re on the move and constantly working through problems, you lack stillness.

However, when you use your morning for reflection (such as what you’re grateful for), you’ll be able to start your day with the right mindset.

And it’s through that mindset that your next big breakthrough can come.

Habit 4: Set Some Non-Negotiables

Every day, I have three non-negotiables:

  • Read

  • Write

  • Lift

It’s these three things that help me to not only maintain myself, but also grow.

One of the biggest issues I see with entrepreneurs is that they’re not consistent with anything.

They say they’re going to do something, and then don’t do it — especially when it comes to their own personal health — which is why it’s important to set daily non-negotiables.

Things you do every day, no matter what.

We get so busy sometimes that we forget about our body: the vessel that gets us to where we want to be.

But, the better you can maintain your mind and body, the faster you’ll become a successful entrepreneur.

Habit 5: Prioritize Focus over “Multitasking”

When you “multitask,” you’re not really doing two things at once.

You’re just segmenting your attention.

And when you segment your attention, you’re not giving 100% to anything.

In the book Deep Work, Cal Newport talks about the biggest differentiator between a successful entrepreneur and an unsuccessful one:

the ability to do deep work.

We talk about marketing and niching down all the time, but if you really want to stand out, you need to be able to sit down for 90 minutes or more and do one boring task.

“To produce at your peak level you need to work for extended periods with full concentration on a single task free from distraction.” -Cal Newport

So, start practicing being more intentional with your time.

Otherwise, you’re only wasting time.


Becoming a successful entrepreneur isn’t about being born with special skills or talents.

It’s simply about mimicking what the already-successful entrepreneurs are doing.

Start with these 5 simple habits:

  • Do something outside of work

  • Ask more questions

  • Use your early hours for reflection

  • Set non-negotiables

  • Prioritize focus over “multitasking”

The reality is, what you do every single day says a lot about where you’ll end up.



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