Remove The Friction From Your Way To Success With Will Everette

This article was adapted from Episode 24 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Will Everette. Will is a clinical hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, CBT practitioner, mental health 1st Aider, and personal trainer. Will provides internal and external coaching to help people maximize their potential, take control of their lives, and feel their best in their minds, body, and soul. 

In this article, you will learn more about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and how you can leverage them as an entrepreneur to take control of your thoughts, change how you feel, and be more in control of your behaviors to tap into more of what you want and remove friction from your path to success. 

Read on!

CBT and what It Aims To Achieve

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is about how we see and perceive things. Information comes to our mind through our five senses, the things we see, hear, feel, smell, and taste. Based on our input, our thoughts create our feelings, and our feelings influence our behavior. Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are either positive or negative. Positive thoughts never create negative feelings. 

CBT works by enabling us to take control of our thoughts to change how we feel about our situation and be more in control of our behaviors. According to Will, when we get caught in a tunnel vision or a victim mindset, we can’t see what other people can see, and sometimes the situation is not as bad as we think. So, we’ve to change our thoughts and perception to change our situation. CBT is a skillset of reframing how we see the world.

Tip: Nothing changes if nothing changes, but sometimes when one thing changes, everything changes, and usually, that’s the perception of a situation.

How Hypnotic Gets The Friction Out Of Your Way

The only place we get stuck is in our mindset because we’re the only ones that stop us from making progress. Our mindset represents the unconscious mind. According to Will, the unconscious mind's largest part (ice bag) has every experience we ever had. At the bottom of the ice bag are childhood memories and trauma, and when they lie there undetected, they affect how we behave. 

Our belief system is developed through the unconscious mind based on how we were treated as children by our parents and siblings around the age of 7. The facts held in our unconscious mind describe our identity, which can be not good enough, not good as other people, etc.

 Nothing on the entire planet has any meaning until we give it meaning. As children around the age of 7, we give stuff meaning to develop and reinforce the belief system. Will shares that the trick to finding your self-worth and overcoming limiting beliefs is treating yourself in a special way every day by creating a self-worth checklist.

Tip: As human beings, we are always looking for evidence all over the place to support our beliefs. Nothing has a negative or positive meaning until we give one to it. We create meaning, even the negative ones.

Trauma is Only Trauma When You make it Trauma.

Is your identity tied to your trauma? Sometimes removing yourself from your trauma victimhood can be scary because you can lose your identity and who you’re at the moment. 

A victim mentality is a safe place to be. A place where we blame everybody else for putting us in a terrible situation that we’re stuck in and not responsible for. A victim mentality gets us stuck even when we’re not aware of it. The more we keep blaming others for our situation, the more we keep reinforcing it. Moving past trauma and seeing it as an opportunity is a decision you’ve to make. 

If you persist in staying in your trauma, it will persist until you decide to learn that every failure is an opportunity to grow. The common denominator is you, and you have to take responsibility to change your situation.

Tip: One bad thing doesn’t mean everything is bad; it’s just one bad situation.

Entrepreneurship And The Tools We Need To Focus On Now

When we tie a negative emotion to a situation, we tie ourselves to it and drag it along for the rest of our lives. Cutting it loose, putting it down, and letting it go takes you back to the baseline. Nothing has meaning until you give it to it.

According to Will, most of our negative emotions comes from the expectation we set for ourselves, especially when we take them from others. As entrepreneurs, when we put our expectations so high that we can’t reach them, we get into a cycle of comparison and often feel less than. Expectation keeps us preoccupied with the past and future. The past is gone, and the future we create it now. Bring yourself back to the present and recognize that you’re always in the future, either in the situation you’re or your response to it. 

As an entrepreneur, don't allow anybody to define what your needs and success are. If you don't need to change, don’t. If you need to change, decide on it, and identify who is influencing your action. Don’t allow people's expectations to throw you into a cycle of comparison and negativity. Choose positivity, growth, and happiness.

Tip: Happiness is a choice, and it’s all that matters, find it, create it, choose it, and nurture it in any situation you’re in. Stop in the moment, bring your thoughts back, and notice what you have.


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