Leveraging NLP To Grow Your Business

This article was adapted from Episode 23 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Kimberly Lebbing. Kimberly is a certified expert in neuro-linguistic, programming, and behavioral change expert with over 796 hours of training and 5 Expert Certifications. Kimberly has spent nearly a decade setting up different programs and has undergone 14 Top-Level Training in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) & Evolved NLP.

In this article, you will learn about neuro-programming (NLP) and how you can leverage it as an entrepreneur to shift your mindset, make the right decisions and set yourself up for success.

Read on!

What is Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is the study of language both within ourselves and from others that have been programmed to do. From the day we are born, we are programmed constantly to do things, and we continue to program ourselves through our language, the people around us, and our upbringing, and this impacts our results in life and business. 

So many business owners join coaching programs because they think they are broken and need to be fixed. We’re not broken, and we don’t need to be fixed. NLP helps us to transform into our highest selves, and it’s not until we understand how we perceive and do things and be more intentional about them that we can shift things.

The ‘I’m’ Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

When something goes wrong in the entrepreneurship journey, we often use “I’M” phrases such as I’m a failure, I’m so stupid, I’m not smart, etc., which become self-fulfilling prophecies of things not going well.

According to Kimberly, everybody does affirmations whether they know it or not, and often, it is usually the wrong affirmations, affirming what we don't want.

Through our affirmations, we’re manifesting all the time, and to connect with our higher energy, we need to do it on purpose.  NLP helps you become aware of what you’re doing to make the right choice. It helps you to shift from victim energy to power that enables you to see opportunities.

Intuition Vs. Playing Safe To Stay Comfortable

As entrepreneurs, we need to generate opportunities in our businesses to get more clients, but often, we use intuition as an excuse to play safe and stay in our comfort zone.

Many of us look at the surface of our challenges and don’t get deeper into the issues behind them. Slowing down and asking yourself questions as an entrepreneur will help you know when you are operating on intuition Vs. Fear. However, if you’re unsure what it’s, sometimes the best thing is to try it, collect data and test it. That will allow you to make the best decision and choose your path. You will never know it unless you try!

Removing The Resistance To Creation

We all have filters that we see everything through in our heads that were formed way before the age of 7, and it’s why we do or don’t engage in certain behaviors. According to Kimberly, when you remove the filter or reframe your mindset, you move forward and don’t have to keep trying to be consistent. 

Removing the filters, reframing the story you tell yourselves, and reprograming the things you’re feeding your mind are the gateway to tapping into your higher power, abundance, and endless energy. This will allow you to balance the emotional side with the how and take action.

How To Grow Your Business

As an entrepreneur and a coach, tracking your progress and grabbing testimonials for every client you get will help you get clarity, understand the impact you’re making, remove the barriers and see more opportunities. 

Your ability to see possibilities determines your latitude. There are opportunities already in front of us, but when we get fixated on what needs to be fixed, we lose focus on growing our business.

Kimberly shares that her favorite way of generating leads is through networking, mostly through videos where clients see her energy and connect. According to her, networking in the right places and letting go of clients who are not the right fit is key to taking your business to the next level of success.


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