Cultivating An Empowering Belief System

This article was adapted from Episode 22 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Evan Carmichael. Evan is a speaker, author, and introvert on a mission to solve the world's biggest problem. Evan believes in entrepreneurs. At 19, Evan built and then sold a biotech software company. At 22, he was a venture capitalist raising $500k to $15M and now runs a YouTube channel for entrepreneurs with over 2 million subscribers, has written 4 books, and speaks globally. 

In this article, you will learn how to cultivate a strong belief system, consciously choose-engineer your environment, take your coaching to the next level, and more.

Read on!

Lack Of Belief In Oneself And Its Implications

Lack of belief is not just a problem for entrepreneurs. It is a problem for everybody. For Evan, he struggled so much with belief, and that is what he helps people go through. According to him, he is still not done because the next heaven is always on the next side of more belief, and that is what he wants to give to the world.  Belief is one of the most important core values, it’s still what we need today, and it’s still what we want to contribute and give to others.

Our purpose comes from our pain. Whatever we struggle with the most is what we want to help people through, and every time, we need to unlock more to learn and improve to make more impact.

What Comes First, Belief or Work

Belief comes from doing difficult things. The more you do things you didn’t think you were capable of doing, the more belief you cultivate. If you’ve something hard in front of you, saying no to it reinforces the belief you can’t do something like that. However, every time you say yes to doing something, you reinforce a new belief of capability.

Cultivating your belief is not a one-off moment. It’s an everyday battle for everything. Do you wake up to do your morning routine, work out, watch your morning video, do yoga, or kiss your wife? Whatever it’s that is part of your routine and being disciplined builds a positive mindset. 

There are things you don’t want to do when you wake up, and it’s what you do that counts. What you do defines who you are. Are you the kind of person who follows through and does it, or are you the person who doesn’t and still feels okay? Self-belief, self-confidence, self-respect, and self-love come from doing difficult things, not just in working but also in showing up. It will suck, but it’s not about how well you do it. It’s how you show up.

Consciously Choose Engineer Your Environment

Recognizing where you are struggling and engineering your environment to surround yourself with people who give you the courage and motivation and push you to do what you want and create your path is a win. 

Your environment has been purposely designed to keep you where you are, but fortunately, you can change it. If you don't like the environment you are in, the people, and the voices in your head, you can shift it and be around positivity. Do an audit of the friends and people in your life and those you’re following on social media.

 If you don’t feel better about yourself when you watch YouTube videos and on Instagram, unfollow and consciously choose people who you are going to be following and listening to. There are a lot of people posting amazing content, and your life can change by being around the right people.

Tip: Friends are great, and parents are great, but they probably haven’t done the thing that you want to do, and their advice, even from a loving place, might be meaningless.

Meeting People Where They Are To Help Them Achieve

Everybody is capable of achieving great things, but most people are buried under insecurities, fears, expectations, and what society wants for them, and they hate their lives. For the people who are deep underground, they can’t hear the message ‘go get it’ no matter how easy it’s for you to say, and so they don’t listen. 

They need the hand-holding, the hag, the encouragement, and the support, and it’s a very loving path helping them go from being buried to level ground. According to Evan, coaching is all about accessing where people are on their path, understanding where they are, and meeting them where they are on their journey.

As a coach, your ultimate desire is for your clients to take a step to change their life and business without judging the size of the step. A giant step might just be getting out of bed, and as a coach, the goal is getting them from where they are and what they are struggling with to what they want in life. This requires more love, patience, and understanding to help them make moves. It’s better to do nothing than to tell them the wrong thing. Just the willingness to share and your ability to listen is the huge value you’ve given them.

Tip. As a coach, you have to be everything to every client. People need learning grounds and kindergarten at different points in their life.

The 2% Difference, Help Your Client Take Action.

Your goal as a coach is to help your client take some kind of action. Once you build rapport and share some stories, your belief in them is what they hold on to. They don’t even have to believe they can do it. They just need to believe that you believe they can do it.  

The hardest step is the first step, and the best you can do is to do that first step with them in the coaching call. Do the 2% difference on the call, don’t just give them the strategy of how to take the step. Coach them through that so they have the first step done.  

Whatever the 2% is inside the advice, do it with them while they are in front of you to start building momentum instead of leaving them to their own devices.

Tip: Your motivation has a half-life, and as soon as you hang up, they are already losing interest, and the excuses will start coming back. Help them do the 2% difference.


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