How To Use Energy Fields To Manifest Your Success

This article was adapted from Episode 6 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Aleya Dayo. Aleya has been in the alternative medicine space for the last 30 years. She started as a massage therapist, then became a Reiki master, and later got into intuitive work. People are hungry, and Aleya’s mission is to inform them how to become more aware of their energy and teach them how to use the energetic muscle around them.

What Is An Energy Field and What Aleya Does In The Space 

We all have energy fields, but most of us don't even realize that we have energetic fields that have the ability to shift our consciousness, how we feel, our emotions, and our behaviors. We were not taught in preschool or 2nd grade how to use our energy fields. And so many of us are unconsciously walking around with these energetic fields without informing, directing, or controlling them and unconsciously connecting with things and people. 


According to Aleya, some people have the ability to see what people are doing energetically, perceive it or fulfill it. For her, she is able to feel, see, and perceive what somebody is doing in their energetic field, inform them how to become more aware of it, and teach them how to use the energetic muscle around them.

Being Grounded To Hold More Vibrations and Manifest Success

When you encourage your body to be rooted in its own unique way of using its energetic fields, you feel more grounded, present, stable, and supported to manifest.  There are a lot of layers around manifesting, and Aleya shares that they include; 

Step One: Get In The Divine Line 

Here you use the inhale to put yourself into divine line through the frontal spine. This allows you to hold your energy and awareness in our divine lines in order to shift your energetic fields. It is like getting yourself in the driver's seat. Getting into the divine line and inviting your energy to start grounding down gives you the ability to start pulling out of the future and the past into the present breath of now. 

When we use our energy field to get grounded, we can simultaneously start pulling all the anchors, and the reference points out of the future and the past into the present and the time we are living in. 

Step Two: Invite Some Energetic Aspect of You

Inviting some energetic aspect of yourself will help you ground in your own uniqueness and gives you the ability to take a breath and explore what is really being asked for in this moment, which is now.

Holding Your Energy and Awareness in the Present Moment

Wherever you’re holding your energy in your awareness is like a little anchor. If you are thinking about something that happened a week ago or will happen a year from now, all your healing, psychic and creative energy and resources go to where you are holding your awareness. 

This means you don’t have your creative energy in the present moment but in the past or the future. At this point, Aleya shares that they use frustration, anger, irritation, and fear as the getter of attention to redivert the resources and energy back into the present moment. 

When we are in the present, we have the capacity to redivert all our energetic resources to ourselves in the breath of now and start creating whatever it’s that we want to shift to or manifest in our lives internally or externally. 

The Process of Manifesting What You Desire As An Entrepreneur 

Aleya shares that you can use your outer desire manifestation ability to manifest whatever you want in life, whether it’s money, relationships, or a house. Start by asking yourself why you want that, how you would feel if you had it, and make every decision in the present aligned with that. This will help you identify what it’s that you want and why you want it, and go after the vibrations and the quality of it in every single decision. 

In the present moment, if you want fulfillment, making a decision that aligns with filling fulfillment will help you manifest the life you intend to have. Align every decision process with your priorities.   

Allowing People to Take Responsibility For Their Success 

When we get attached to or take responsibility for somebody's behaviors and success, we’re essentially telling to them we don’t believe in them and their capabilities and can’t see their mastery. 

According to Aleya, looking at this from that perspective enabled her to see how taking responsibility for them disempowers them. So many times, when we take responsibility for others, we feel it’s our fault they are failing, and it is. The solution is to break the attachment, return the responsibility back to them using the energy and hold the space of “you are a genius, and you got this,” and they will achieve it. Modeling success in your own mastery, believing and witnessing them in their mastery, and holding a safe container will help them truly thrive.

It can be devastating to have something you truly love and get burned out working on it. The only way to do it in a healthy and co-creative way that impacts a bigger audience is to make the shift around attachment responsibility using energy. 

How The Energy You Hold Impact Sale Processes

As a salesperson or a business owner, you have to be more mindful of what you are doing in your energetic fields. What you hold in your energy fields creates what happens in the emotional, mental, and physical fields. If you are on a call with a boring client who you can’t wait to get off the call and trying to close a deal, you might be emphatically feeling them thinking that they don’t have anything to give and vice versa.  

According to Aleya, we feel other people feeling, and they feel our energy, and if we don’t know how to unpack what is going on, we’re limiting our success.

Matching Marketing Strategies With People Vibration Shifts

People's vibrations are always shifting, and we have to match these vibrational shifts and where they are in their journey to make an impact. According to Aleya, marketing the way she did years ago will fall flat. There is a constant shift and change in the vibrations and tunning to the frequency, energetic and emotional needs, and targeting them will help us deliver what people are ready for, yearning for, and open for in the moment. 

Timing is essential! If we miss it by a day, we might not even do it. 


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