Doing Something Outside Your Business

This article was adapted from Episode 11 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

This article highlights what Raylen, your host, shares in the episode. It’s not the full talk, but it has been shortened to give you a preview of the show. Learn the importance of doing something outside your business that is not work-related to improve yourself and get into a flow state 

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Going Back To Jiu Jitsu

Raylen shares that two years ago, he went back to jujutsu, but after training for a competition for a year, he had to leave. He was building his business, working on his consulting, and building the Elevated Coaching academy. 

At that point, he set a 6-figure financial goal that he was to hit first before going back to Jiu Jitsu to relax. What is more interesting is that he hit the goal, but he kept making excuses on why he shouldn’t go back, something he never thought was possible. 

Raylen knew all the benefits of jIu Jitsu but working on something that was not work-related to improve himself and get into a flow state was hard, and it is hard for any entrepreneur. However, no matter what, you will never feel bad about going to training. You may not want to go for a walk or a run, but no one gets mad after working out. Instead, it makes us better.


Doing Something Outside Your Business

Raylen knew he needed to go back to the gym but waited until his final straw. He shares that he was with friends for dinner that worked in a 9 to 5, and they didn't care about what he did in his business. However, he noticed that 80% of the conversations he started were about his business. He had nothing outside that, and his business was all he was. 

At that moment, he realized he was getting obsessive about business and what he does at work. He decided to return to his old gym and is glad he did. Going to the gym is not about just training. It has many things that come with it, including getting away from problems and problem-solving.  

Why Every Entrepreneur Should Do Jiu Jitsu

The biggest benefit of Jiu-Jitsu for an entrepreneur is that you can’t have an ego in Jiu-Jitsu. Your ego goes well off out of the window. Holding on to your ego can get you stuck in your growth in jujutsu.

Jujutsu also teaches you how to be patient. There are no cheat codes, no hacks, and there is nothing you can do to cheat your way to a black belt. It is all about time, persistence, and patience, and all these bleed into entrepreneurship. 

As an entrepreneur, there are things that you can do to acquire quality leads and increase your closing rates, but there will never be a hack to get you to 6 or 7 figures. Even if you did, you would not stay there for the long term. You have to have a strong growth strategy. 

A Lesson From a Book: Driven 

Did you know that there is a resilience gene called neuropeptide Y (NPY), and when your levels are high, you tend to forget the past and focus more on the future? 

The book shares that 80% of navy seals are high in NPY, and it’s highly effective in showing if you are able to do something. It also shares that athletes and entrepreneurs are high in NPY, the ability to fail, to be told no, and to be able to go to the next one. 

NPY is a double-edged sword. If you are constantly on the next one, you don’t take time to reflect on the lesson at hand. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, but someone with NPY forgets what happened and does the same thing all over again.

Focusing on the next thing is not bad. The problem comes when you are constantly relying on dopamine because when your business goes down, you get depressed. If this sounds like you, self-awareness is the key to success, and this book will help you become more aware.

Tip: Being more self-aware of what you’re doing and why is one of the most important things in your business.


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