You’re not Alex Hormozi
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

You’re not Alex Hormozi

YouTube is going through a HUGE change. And if you’re not embracing it? You might actually be shooting yourself in the foot.

Here’s the thing.

Three months ago I noticed something weird. A “new wave” of creators. An entirely new style of content creation… and now more people than ever are doing it.

What’s this new style?

Cinematic vlogs.

No fancy editing. No expensive equipment. Just them and a camera telling their audience a story.

Here’s why story-based content is so important (ESPECIALLY if you want to make more money through YouTube) ↓

Hope this helps.

P.S. Struggling to consistently find great content ideas? After 4 years of creating content, I’ve finally found a process that works.

With the Notion Creator Hub, you’ll get access to my exact system for creating quality content so you can generate more leads and sales.

>> Click here to check it out

The best part?

It’s only $10.

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Quit Your Day Job = Freedom?
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Quit Your Day Job = Freedom?

I used to think the only way to achieve REAL freedom (time, money, happiness, etc.) was to quit your day job and become an entrepreneur.

Everybody talks about it on social media.

But is it really true?

After 4 years of entrepreneurship…

I’ve finally changed my mind.

Here’s why going all-in on entrepreneurship won’t necessarily make you happier.

Watch this:

P.S. Struggling to consistently find great content ideas? After 4 years of creating content, I’ve finally found a process that works.

With the Notion Creator Hub, you’ll get access to my exact system for creating quality content so you can generate more leads and sales.

>> Click here to check it out

The best part?

It’s only $10.

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How I create content whenever I want
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

How I create content whenever I want

As you’ve probably figured out…

One of the BIGGEST problems as creators is coming up with great ideas consistently. More often than not… you’re staring at a blank page (and leaving money on the table).

But here’s the thing:

It doesn’t HAVE to be this way.

You can generate engaging, profitable content ideas whenever you want. Even if you’re not particularly smart or creative.

So what’s the secret?

It’s actually simpler than you think:

Consume more content.

“But Raylen, what about creating more than consuming?”

The gurus love saying this. But it turns out… consuming is actually one of the easiest ways to come up with engaging, profitable content ideas.

Here’s what I mean.

One of my non-negotiables is reading 10 pages every day. By doing this, I’m gaining new insights than ever before.

Which means more ideas.

More content.

And more clients.

That’s how you create content whenever you want.

Just remember…

The REAL key is to be disciplined in writing these ideas down. That way you always have something when you’re ready to create.

My Creator Hub helps with this.

You can check it out here:

Either way… hope this was helpful.

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Why I’m quitting YouTube (Copy)
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Why I’m quitting YouTube (Copy)

Ever sit down to write content and your mind suddenly goes blank?

You’re not alone.

It happens to most creators (95% or more). And for several years… I felt that way too.

But eventually I realized something:

It’s not actually an idea problem.

Every day we get dozens (if not hundreds) of ideas.

in the shower

while making coffee

at the gym

And the truth is… each one of these could be turned into high-performing content. But you never write it down.

So you forget it.

Which is exactly why I created the Notion Content Hub template.

A place where you can instantly note your ideas (no matter how terrible you initially think they are). And then when you’re ready to create content…

Just open the Content Hub.

“But Raylen, why can’t I just use my notes app?”

You can.

But here’s what’s different about the Content Hub:

Entirely separated by social platform

Effortlessly drop inspiration pieces (i.e. existing videos from your favorite creators)

A simple-to-use calendar to plan it all

Now my content isn’t only 10x easier… I’m also getting more quality leads than ever before.

And you can too.

Click here to check out the Notion Content Hub:

You won’t regret it.

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Why I’m quitting YouTube
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Why I’m quitting YouTube

I’m not sure about you but:

Recently I’ve noticed tons of people leaving YouTube. Every day both big and small creators are dropping their final video… but I’ve never quite understood why.

You’ve probably asked the same questions.

“Why give up millions of subscribers?”

“Why give up thousands of dollars?”

“What’s going on?”

It can be hard to understand as small creators. But after watching these farewell videos… I’ve finally figured it out.

We’ve entered a new epidemic.

And if you’re not careful?

You can EASILY fall prey to it too.

Watch this ↓

P.S. Struggling to create content consistently? With the Notion Creator Hub, you’ll get access to my exact system for creating quality content so you can generate more leads and sales.

>>> Click here to check it out.

It’s taken me years to create. And now it’s yours for just $10.

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