Why I’m quitting YouTube

I’m not sure about you but:

Recently I’ve noticed tons of people leaving YouTube. Every day both big and small creators are dropping their final video… but I’ve never quite understood why.

You’ve probably asked the same questions.

“Why give up millions of subscribers?”

“Why give up thousands of dollars?”

“What’s going on?”

It can be hard to understand as small creators. But after watching these farewell videos… I’ve finally figured it out. 

We’ve entered a new epidemic.

And if you’re not careful?

You can EASILY fall prey to it too.

Watch this ↓


P.S. Struggling to create content consistently? With the Notion Creator Hub, you’ll get access to my exact system for creating quality content so you can generate more leads and sales.

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Why I’m quitting YouTube (Copy)


How to get un-constipated