How to get un-constipated

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

Your alarm goes off.

You wake up.

You slowly pull off the covers.

But before your feet even touch the floor…  you’re already overwhelmed. Thinking about to-do lists. Things you hate. Things you love. Maybe even business and content ideas.

Pure chaos.

And as you’ve probably realized:

You all of a sudden have no idea where to start. No idea what to think. Mentally blocked. Or as a good friend of mine always says…

You’re “creatively constipated.”

I used to struggle with this every day.

But what if you could transform this overload into something productive (so you can finally reach the goals you’ve failed so long at)?

Luckily there’s an easy solution:

>> Just follow the road less stupid.

It helped me.

And I think it’ll help you, too.

P.S. Another great way to overcome creative constipation as an entrepreneur is my new $10 Notion Creator Hub (the EXACT system I use to plan all my content).

Click here to grab your copy.

It’s taken me years to come up with this. And now it’s yours for just $10.


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