Leveraging Web 3.0 To Grow Your Business

This article was adapted from Episode 28 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Brian Fanzo. Brian is a digital futurist keynote speaker who translates the trends of tomorrow to inspire change today. His customized and personalized programs showcase real-world stories and examples of forward-thinking people and web 3.0 businesses. Brian has immersed himself in the web 3.0 world. He is the leading authority on all things web 3.0 as a practitioner, a thought leader, and an award-winning early adopter in all things digital marketing and innovation. 

In this article, you will learn about web 3.0 technology, how it works, and ways you can leverage it in real-time in order to engage your clients at the right time.

Read on!

Web 3.0 Vs. Web 2.0 Technology

Web 2.0 encompasses Instagram, Facebook, and websites, while web 3.0 is being built in the era of blockchains such as crypto-currency and VR/AR. Web 2.0 platforms are data, and we get to use them for free, while W3 gives people ownership of all their data and everything they have online. 

Web 3 is in its infancy, and NFT is one component of it, but people often tend to focus on the financial aspects, like buying and selling art. According to Brian, when it comes to online, there hasn’t ever been a way to verify ownership, and in many cases, we don’t own our websites or email addresses, and this is the idea behind web 3.0. 

Web 3.0 allows us to own all our data and prove, validate, and authenticate ownership when we are the first ones to launch a brand without competing with people without copyrights. 

On the other hand, blockchain is the name of web 3.0 technology, and it is what gives us the ability to prove ownership of something, and it’s not centralized, so there is no one person that owns it. It’s like a ledger or a giant spreadsheet, and every time you do something, you take out a new block hence the name blockchain. 

Once a block is created, it cannot be edited or changed and works as permanent proof. Brian shares that the most beautiful thing about this is it doesn’t exist on one server, like the Facebook or Amazon ecosystem. It uses node networks. Even if the US network went down, the blockchain survives and thrives.

What To Look For In Web 3.0 As A Coach

Nobody wants to be added to another newsletter, and as business people, we hate giving discounts in these spaces because marketers ruin it. Every time people want to buy something, they google to see if there is a discount and who has the best. However, with web 3.0, you can use NFT to reward people in your community and set it up automatically so that only those that hold the NFT that proves they have been part of your coaching academy for one year get the discount. 

What is also interesting is that you can use NFT to validate things that are not in your ecosystem. As a coach, the idea that you can do everything transparently, validate things, prove ownership, and provide deals to your clients in the blockchain world is exciting. Using Nft allows you to reward people in a way that matters, to identify and empower your biggest fans. It will also change the affiliate marketing and influencer marketing game because only NFT validation gives the power to unlock special tabs, gifts, or rewards to your current and future clients. 

NFT is transferable and trackable in a very transparent way in the blockchain, especially if the client can no longer benefit from their NFT.

How To Give NFT To Your Audience

Brian shares that the best thing to start doing today is identifying people that you want to reward. In his community, he calls them 1093. So the first 1093 people that were supporting him in web 3.0, he sent them an NFT to put into their wallet even though he didn’t know what they would use it for in the beginning. Today everything he does, whether that is starting a new event or launching a book, they are the first ones to get a free book and the event first. 

You can also do it, and the beautiful thing about NFT is that you don’t have to do anything. Unlike email and other web 2.0 platforms that require action or sign-up to be rewarded, NFT allows both the passive and the active members of your community to be rewarded. There is no missing out! You can also add gamification for people to earn additional NFTs and budges for exclusive access, which increases loyalty.

How To Buy And Sell NFT Contracts To Your Clients

If you are a member of an awesome coaching group, no one will know unless they see you tweeting and posting pictures and images at the events. However, NFT gives you a visual representation, market advertisement, and proof that you have that membership. 

With NFT, When you want to be a part of any community, you can buy a contract that unlocks that door for you and then sell or gift it to someone else or sell it back to the group when you get enough of it. NFT is not complicated as many people make it to be. It’s just a line of codes that says if this, then that statement. 

Unlike in web 2.0, where you will need the mechanics and the softwares, no matter which platform you are on, your NFTs will still work, and they automatically create their own market. 

Tip: NFTs automatically create their own marketplace. You don’t have to wonder how to sell them.

The Misconception Around Web 3.0 Meterverse

The thing that most people get wrong about web 3.0 metaverse is they think that it’s about spending more time in the digital space. Instead, it’s all about owning the fact that we spend 50% of our time online and 50% offline, but our online experience has no ownership, validation, or a way for us to flax.

Web 3.0 is not about spending more time online. It’s about making what we do online more validated, more authenticated, and in a way, more like us.


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