How To Turn CRITICS Into Believers

If you haven’t yet checked out our last YouTube video about why EFFORT doesn’t equal SUCCESS, click here to watch it.

I don’t know about you but… 

People love to tell me I’m doing things wrong (even though they’ve NEVER done it themselves before). 

They argue for the sake of arguing.

But according to Law #9 of Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Powerspending hours arguing with people doesn’t EVER change anyone’s mind. 

In fact it’ll only create a stronger resentment.

But if you’re able to SHOW people what you mean (and that it actually works)… that’s how you win arguments. 

And that’s when they stop getting defensive.

Not only that… showing people what you mean will physically make them feel YOUR way is infinitely more powerful than THEIR argument. 

And so if you really want to win someone over (future clients, your boss, etc) don’t just tell them why you deserve it.

SHOW them.


In the coming weeks we’ll be launching another YouTube video about the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. Click here to subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss it!


“You’re Too PERFECT”


The Key To Being a Great Coach