Claiming Your True Identity To Experience Your Transformation

This article was adapted from Episode 26 of the Elevated Entrepreneur Podcast. Click here to listen.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Jeff Wickersham. Jeff is a sought-after accountability and peak performance coach who helps guide clients to intentionally step into the best versions of themselves and unlock that inner hero waiting to be unleashed. Jeff’s a best-selling author, Tony Robbins award winner, podcast host, creator of the 4-step Morning Fire Methodology, and a practitioner leading by example. He recently completed his second David Goggins 4x4x48 Mile run, has meditated for over 1,600 straight days and has taken an ice bath or cold shower for over 1,300 straight days. 

In this article, you will learn how to figure out your true identity, intentionally choose how you want to show up, take action and be more to get where you want to be in life. 

Read on!

Separating Feelings From Your Actions And Goals

We learn to trust our feelings when growing up, and so many times, we rely on them to take action, but often they betray us. Feelings are there to keep us safe. If we feel uncomfortable or uncertain, the mind will always stop us from taking risky action. 

We can all attest that most times, we want to do things, but we don’t feel like it. Whether that is our morning routine exercise or meditation, but we do it anyway to claim the future we want. According to Jeff, 99% of people operate in the feeling, actions, and identity equation. In his work, Jeff likes to flip this around to help people figure out their identity first by focusing on three main areas, energy, work, and love. 

When you define your identity, you are able to step into it, take action and show up as that person regardless of your feelings and who you’re today. Your identity doesn’t have to be who you’re right now; it can be a future pacing your success.  

Tip: So many times, our minds fight us because we don’t have clarity of who we want to show up as. Don’t rely on your feeling. Your feelings don’t want you to do things you know you need to do to be successful personally and professionally.

Intentionally Choosing How You Want To Show Up

We're living in a culture of busyness, and it's easy to become overwhelmed. It's all too common to go through life without thinking about who we are and what we stand for. So many of us don’t take the time to determine how we want to show up in life. We go by the flow and often use our feeling to determine the direction we want to move, which ultimately becomes a block to our true identity and success. 

Who we were yesterday and what we have become today can create an ego feeling that keeps us stuck in the past and prevent us from seeing the future. Our future self is our true selves. Choosing your future self is choosing your true self. We have the power and choice to determine the identity we want to live by without holding on to yesterday (it’s gone). 

Being self-aware, intentionally choosing how we want to show up, and stepping into the best versions of ourselves allows us to create a path that is meaningful, fulfilling, and true to who we are.

Victim mentality Vs. warrior mentality

You can either choose to have a victim or warrior mentality but not both. Choosing a warrior mentality and fighting for your future every day will propel you to your future self, which doesn’t mean you will not fail. You will. However, understanding that you’re not perfect, no one is perfect, and there has never been a perfect human being will help you get back up, give yourself grace, and dust yourself off for tomorrow. 

Tip: Mental toughness is knowing that you might fail, feeling the pain of the lesson, and dusting yourself to do better tomorrow than you did today.

How To Decrease Your Resistance To Meditation

Meditation is a simple yet very challenging practice for many people. To build a consistent meditation practice, Jeff shares that you have to decrease the resistance by decreasing the efforts when you’re starting, celebrate your progress and repeat. Make what you are going to do so simple, small, and easy to remove excuses and increase motivation. For instance, you can start by taking one breath for an entire week and celebrate yourself for doing it.

According to Jeff, making it so simple that it is laughable, planning it the night before, and doing it first thing in the morning when your mind and body are freshest can help you stuck wins early in the morning to gain that momentum. The little things you do will always add up to huge accomplishments and growth. 

According to Jeff, meditation has huge benefits to all. If you’re dealing with a difficult situation or need some courage, meditating for two minutes will increase your testosterone by 23% (your courage vitamin) and decrease cortisol (stress hormones) by 17%. 

Tip: When you meditate and see a little bit of your potential, you’ll never be the same. You’ll constantly be on a journey to be the best version of yourself.

Rainy-Day Mentality To Build Great Resilience

When conditions aren’t right, so many times, our feelings dictate what action we take. But when we use the rainy day mentality as a reverse indicator and still push through the external circumstances, even when no one else is, with great tenacity and gets things done, it will be such a momentum builder in our life.   

Tip: When the conditions are not right, this is the best time to get ahead because so many people give in to the condition not being right to do it tomorrow.


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