This new methodology will not only make your prospects excited to get on the sales call… But they’ll be coming back to you with referrals because they loved it so much...
Leaving your competition scratching their heads as to how you did it.

What Your Reps Will Learn In This New Proven Methodology For Greater Sales Success:
✔️ How to understand your prospect’s position in their purchase process so they can feel heard and understood while you ease them into the sale...
✔️ A proven step-by-step guide to becoming a master in any sales interaction - They’ll close without even trying!
✔️How to create a purpose-driven mission that attracts prospects and gets them asking YOU to let them join in...
✔️A proven formula to stop getting friend-zoned on sales calls and to start getting paid more...
✔️How to hold your prospects accountable to their word so they’re 100% committed to moving forward...
✔️And so much more!
Your sales reps are more than just that. They are the front-line consultants that coach your prospects to the sale...
What People Are Saying
“Raylen is a super leader! He has knack for getting people quickly engage and follow his lead.
Raylen spent many hours training a team of contact center personnel and had a significant impact on their overall skills and abilities. He was skillful at building each individual`s self-confident, especially while correcting behavior, that led to impactful, positive improvement. He also taught them how to self-coach or self-correct that increased confidence and focus and decreased their dependency on management oversight. Each employee always left Raylen`s training sessions with renewed excitement and eagerness to perform at a high level.
I highly recommend Raylen as a business leader and trainer!”
— Dave Galloway National Director - Cortiva Institute

The One Piece Of The Puzzle Your Sales Reps
Are Missing…
Business executives have masterminds that expose them to new opportunities and ways to scale their businesses…
But what about the key players that are in charge of growing the business alongside them - the sales reps?
They deserve to be surrounded by the same opportunities and industry-leading information that can help them scale your business for you through a mastermind style program...
What if after every month your reps came in with a new set of tools that could only be discovered by rubbing shoulders with the movers and shakers in the industry...
What if they could be filled with newfound inspiration and drive that not only impacts your business positively but rubs off on your prospects that are speaking to them over the phones…
That’s a recipe for success.
As they grow individually, your business grows collectively.
And while your competitors are hiring the bottom-of-barrel sales reps that don’t care about the brand and do the bare minimum to get by...
You’ll be fostering a company culture of growth with the Elevated Sales Academy that shows your reps just how much you care about them...
Helping each and every single one of them get to their fullest potential…
Impacting not only their personal lives but impacting the lives of the people you seek to serve through them.
Your prospects will thank you for this.

What Makes Us Different?
✔️ Mastery and proficiency can only come with high repetition and implementation which is why we take on an athletic training approach to sales to become the best in the industry.
✔️ By focusing on a culture of personal transformation instead of hard-selling tactics that no one likes, you’ll be getting higher close rates and better team retention.
✔️The unique and little-known “Mindshift To Sell” method will allow your reps to come across differently and be able to speed up conversions.
✔️Instructor lead workshops allow your reps to get access to coaches that have been in the trenches and know what works in today’s market.
✔️Sales manager training and coaching that improves the leadership and effectiveness of your sales team.
✔️Done for you recruitment and training so you can spend more time in your zone of genius.

3 Step Process That Elevated Sales Academy Uses To Take Your Sales Reps From Average To Elite:
Break down personal roadblocks and barriers to success so they become an unstoppable deal closing machine.
Uncover their unique humanizing selling style to give them the empathetic edge over cold robotic sales reps.
We train until perfection and ensure perfect implementation.