I forgot to put on my gas mask
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

I forgot to put on my gas mask


Sometimes things happen.

You get off track.

You experience certain (sometimes significant) events that pull you away from the necessary habits required to be successful.

I had an event like that last week:

The birth of my daughter, Mila.

But like they say in the airlines, you can’t help others if you don’t put your OWN gas mask on first.

You need to make sure you’re taken care of.

And honestly?

I haven’t been doing that.

So if you’re experiencing something similar and want to get back on track… here are the 3 things I do whenever life events throw me off course.

Hope this helps.

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What to do if everybody ignores you
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

What to do if everybody ignores you

Do you feel like no matter how much content you put out, you can’t seem to gain traction?

I’ve been there before.

At one point it felt like nothing I created made a difference.

No views

No likes & comments

No business opportunities

Kind of like the algorithm was dumping everything into the abyss.

But then I discovered Rick Rubin. A creative genius who’s worked with Aerosmith, Run DMC, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kendrink Lamar, Lady Gaga (and many more).

He’s even won 9 Grammys and 2 CMAs.

So now you’re probably wondering:

What’s his secret to creating stuff that actually matters? And more importantly… how can you do the same with your OWN content?

>> Here are 4 key takeaways I got from Rick Rubin’s book The Creative Act and how you can apply them to create more impactful content.

Hope this helps.

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How to be happy
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

How to be happy

Let me be honest:

I absolutely suck at staying in the present moment. My mind is constantly thinking about “what’s next” or “what else.”

(And maybe you’re the same way)

On one side…

It’s what makes me driven.

But there’s also a HUGE downside to it that many people overlook:

It’s hard to be truly happy.

If you’re always living in the future, you never give yourself the opportunity to acknowledge how far you’ve come.

So what’s the solution?

According to The Gap and the Gain by Dr. Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan, you need to measure success backwards.

And my favorite way to do this:

Gratitude journaling.

I know it sounds a bit cliche. But by writing down what you’re grateful for, you’re always aware of how far you’ve come.

And that’s powerful.

Do you use a gratitude journal?

Or is there another method that helps you stay in the present moment?

Reply to this email and let me know.

- Raylen

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Here’s what MOST people don’t think about before starting a business
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Here’s what MOST people don’t think about before starting a business

Let me ask you a question:

Why did you start your business?

Maybe you wanted to make more money. Or quit your job. Or have time to pursue other passions.

But was it the RIGHT reason?

For most people, probably not.

In the book 10X is Easier Than 2X by Dr. Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan, they talk about a concept called “freedom to vs. freedom from.”

Most people create businesses because they want to escape from something.

For example:

Maybe you hate your 9-5.

And so you decide to leave to start your own business. But what if instead of leaving the 9-5… you simply found a 9-5 you love?

Or you created a side hustle/business you thoroughly enjoy, instead of for the money?

By changing this little mindset…

You might end up discovering that achieving 10X is far easier than 2X.

P.S. If you want more insights like this, subscribe to my YouTube channel where I put out cool videos to help you elevate your life.

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Can You Answer This 3-word Question?
Raylen Davis Raylen Davis

Can You Answer This 3-word Question?

“What’s my purpose?”

Maybe you’ve asked yourself this question before.

But if you’re like MOST people…

You can’t confidently answer it.

You simply took a job because the pay was decent. You started a business because you knew it’d be lucrative. And even still:

You feel empty.

You feel directionless.

Which is exactly why purpose is important.

And unless you can clearly define your own “reason for being”… any job, income, or lifestyle won’t ever leave you satisfied.

If you’re ready to discover your purpose (and leverage it to make money) so you can always wake up feeling energized…

>> Here are a few powerful insights I learned from my friend Evan Carmichael’s book, Built to Serve.

Hope this helps.

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