Personal Growth = Business Growth

You've been running your business for a while, and right now you feel stuck. Maybe you've been making the same amount of money for months and months and months, or even years. You can't seem to move the needle forward. I'm here to tell you the one thing you actually need to do. Fair warning - this may be a hard pill to swallow. Keep reading if you're up for the challenge. 

Business growth and personal growth go hand in hand, especially if you're a solopreneur. You are the business, therefore, if you are not growing your business will not grow. If you are not expanding your mind, your business will not expand. Does this sound familiar? If so, let's dive into what you can do to kick that complacency. 

Expand Your Knowledge

You have to consistently expose your mind to new possibilities. I'm always surprised by entrepreneurs who don't read. I like to read- but why? It's not because I need the knowledge, it is because I want to be exposed to new ways of thinking. 

I may have an idea of how we should sell online, I may have an idea on how to market my business or how to build funnels- but, ultimately, that's just what I know today. What I know today has gotten me the results I have today. Now, this is an important concept- if I don't like the results I have today, I need to search for new approaches to the way that I can grow my business and ultimately succeed.  

I said this may be a hard pill to swallow, but the truth of the matter is that: your business is not growing because you, as a human, aren't growing. 

Sharpen Your Tools

If your goal is to consistently grow your business, you have to work on this 'meat vehicle' which is commonly referred to as a body. If you are working day and night without sharpening your tools- guess what? You are not going to be as successful as you could be. 

One thing that I learned early on is that, as a coach, I talk for a living. Whether I'm creating a youtube video, Instagram reels, 'Live' videos on social platforms, talking on social audio, meeting with my clients, or conducting a sales call- guess what? I am constantly talking. How do I stay sharp? I read, as mentioned before, but I also work out. 

Look, I don't work out to work out. I work out because that allows me to do what I love to do more often. For you, this could mean that you need to go on more walks, stretch more, meditate more, etcetera. The important thing is that you take care of your body. Eat better, sleep better, take care of the things that are going to lead to your results. You can't make money unless you develop your mind and body.

Moral of the Story

Imagine if you wanted to go across the country, right? You wanted to go from New York to California, and I gave you a 1989 Toyota Corolla.  That Corolla would not make that entire trip, I promise you. 

So what do you do? You make sure to take care of your vehicle or, better yet, get a better one. It's fair to say that you would feel much more comfortable going across the country if you had the right vehicle.

For some of you, your body, the way that you think, the way that you behave- all of these things are only going to get you so far. Maybe it's time for you to take a deep look internally and see what you can do to improve yourself and grow your business. 

Once again, it comes down to this: if you're stuck in your business it's most likely because you are personally stuck. Get yourself unstuck and watch your business grow.

Stay motivated.

Stay elevated.



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