My Myth of the Solopreneur

Here’s how Dean Jackson’s VCR formula helped me grow a six-figure agency in just a few years (and can help YOU do the same).

I used to think I had to do everything:

> sales

> web design

> offer creation

> customer service

> finances

But that’s not true. 

You just need to build a team of people (each with their unique talents and perspectives). And that’s where the 3-part VCR formula comes in.

Here’s how it works:


This is the person who generates the ideas. 

They create a vision for what products and services to offer (which is usually the entrepreneur’s job).

But what they don’t always have?


This could be:

  • knowing how to build the product/service

  • knowing how to create engaging YouTube content

  • or just having enough time to get things done

If you don’t have these things…

You have to find somebody else who can do it.

So now you have the vision and the offer. But what’s the last piece?


In other words - attention.

If you’re not someone who can generate quality attention for your business… you need to partner with someone who can.

Maybe it’s someone who has a successful:

  • YouTube channel 

  • podcast 

  • Website

Now you’re able to grow.



You don’t need to do everything as an entrepreneur.

I couldn’t have built a six-figure business alone. It was because of the people I partnered with that we could reach that level.

So try and figure out which one you are:

  • Is it the vision?

  • Is it the capability?

  • Is it the reach?

And then go through your network to find someone who can fill in the gaps.

P.S. Are you someone with a VISION but lack the CAPABILITY and REACH to create content that generates leads? The Notion Creator Hub can help you do that (at least it did for me).

Learn more about it HERE: 


How To Build a Profitable Online Business


My mentor told me to read more books