How to hack your happiness?


Your brain quietly whispers:

It’s not enough yet.”

Can you hear it?

So you keep eating. You keep scrolling Instagram. You keep trying to make more money (even though you already have enough).

You can’t resist.

And the crazy part…

It’s not actually your fault.

Our brains are HARD-WIRED to want more. Which means when we inevitably fail to reach the goalpost… we feel like a loser.

And it’s killing your happiness.

So the question is:

How can you get rid of this “always wanting more” mentality so you can finally be happy about the things you already have?

Here’s what’s helped me:

Gratitude journaling.

Now I’ll be honest… I was a bit skeptical (maybe you are too). Can simply writing down a few GOOD things every day really work? Can it actually make you happier?

At first it was a struggle.

I’d write down the SAME generic things:

> family 

> food

> a house

Every day.

Over and over.

But naturally… I eventually got better.

I started noticing the little things. Like when someone gave me a compliment at work. Or even the little conversations I have with my wife.

And it felt good!

So if you’re ever feeling unhappy about life… try pulling out a notebook and writing down THREE good things.

It worked for me.

And I think it’ll work for you too.

Let me know how it goes.

P.S. Did you know personal story-based content has some of the HIGHEST conversion rates? But the problem… these stories aren’t always easy to keep track of.

My Notion Creator Hub helps with that.

Click here to check it out:


My mentor told me to read more books


Run Forrest! Run!