How To Become A Six-Figure Coach

Raylen Davis | Award-Winning Sales Coach

So you want to become a six-figure coach but you literally have no idea where to start. 

First, join the free Facebook Community. Second, keep reading for the three things to focus on, that will help you get to six figures much faster. 

Niche Down

I know, cliche. However, I don’t mean to simply niche down on your client avatar. Obviously here we focus on online business coaches but guess what? The niche-ing doesn’t stop there. If you really want to dominate the market you have to really focus on niching down on the result that you give your clients. It is no longer enough to simply focus on your avatar. You have to also focus on the result that you will provide. I'll give you an example. At Elevated Coaches Academy, we work with coaches. Coaches are our niche. Next, we help coaches go from selling one-to-one packages to selling one-to-many where they actually are getting group coaching and making more money doing less work. That is our niched result.  That is how we stand out more than everybody else within this space. 

Dominate One Platform

This is a critical concept, especially early. It's really important to dominate one social media platform. Whether it’s Youtube,  Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In- whatever that platform is for you. I want you to focus on learning how to create content that speaks to your target on one platform before you become omnipresent. If you don't understand how to attract your ideal client, then you don't understand how to create content that your target client wants to see. It's really important to niche down on one platform, learn its intricacies, and then scale that to everything else. 

Learn the Craft

Once you’ve niched down on the result you provide and dominated one platform, you have to learn the craft of getting people to raise their hands. Not only do you need to get others to raise their hands, but your goal is also to ultimately convince them that you're the person to take them from point A to point B.  In essence, this is sales and marketing. If you are any type of coach, outside of sales and marketing coaches, then you have to spend time learning this craft. It doesn’t matter how good you are at what you do- if no one knows about you, that paycheck won’t come in.

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