Creating Content for YouTube as an Entrepreneur

Four Rules for Creating Successful YouTube Content

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If you clicked on this blog, you're probably thinking the same thing I did: creating content can be really difficult. We know that creating content is something we should do and want to do, especially here on YouTube. Long-form content can feel daunting, especially if you're used to creating short-form content on Instagram or TikTok. You can post a 30-second clip on Instagram and get thousands of views, but YouTube operates differently.

Here are four rules that have made my life easier and helped me create more content on YouTube, leading to increased views, subscribers, and leads for my business. Remember, as entrepreneurs, the primary goal of creating content is to generate leads for our business.

1. Find Inspiration, Not Imitation

Inspiration is everywhere. Whether you're talking to a client or discussing your business with a friend, these conversations can spark content ideas. The key is to be disciplined in capturing these ideas, which I'll cover in the next point. It's important to distinguish between inspiration and imitation. Don't copy other creators’ content. The uniqueness of your personality is what makes your content valuable.

Action Tip: If you find a title or topic that inspires you, use it to create your own content without watching the original video to avoid imitating it.

2. Be Disciplined with Your Ideas

When I first started making content, I would jot down ideas on my phone but never follow through. You need to have a system for developing these ideas into fully-fledged videos. I use a Notion content calendar to track my ideas, script them, and move them through the production process. This discipline ensures that new ideas eventually become published videos.

Action Tip: Use a tool like Notion or Trello to organize your content ideas and keep track of your progress from concept to publication.

3. Make Recording Easy

The easier it is to hit the record button, the more likely you are to create content. Initially, I used my phone for recording, which required setting up lights and a gimbal. This setup process was a barrier to creating content. Now, I use a DJI Pocket 3, which is incredibly easy to set up and use. Simplify your recording setup to reduce resistance.

Action Tip: Invest in a simple, easy-to-use camera setup and ensure your recording environment is always ready to go. Schedule specific days for recording to get into the right mindset.

4. Outsource When Possible

If you can, hire an editor to handle the post-production work. This allows you to focus on creating content rather than getting bogged down in editing. I used to do everything myself, but outsourcing editing has significantly increased my output. It’s essential for reducing resistance and ensuring you produce more content.

Action Tip: Use platforms like Fiverr to find an editor who understands your vision. This will free up your time and help you produce more content consistently.


Creating content on YouTube doesn't have to be overwhelming. By finding inspiration, being disciplined with your ideas, making the recording process easy, and outsourcing editing when possible, you can increase your content output and generate more leads for your business. What are your rules for creating content? Share your tips in the comments below.

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